Posts Tagged ‘holidays’

(WIP) Not amused

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

It’s as inked as it’s gonna get. (Cookie splatterhouse itself has to be its own layer, on top of everything else.)
I may be able to start coloring this when I get back from volunteer service… maybe…

In other news, [info]dmscv gets today’s BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD for this little gem, which is her end of an art trade incited last month via my scribble of Avatar Sayrah.
It’s, like… holy shit. I’d always wanted to see a DM-brand rendition of the end of Ragnarok TWILIGHT Episode 1, and it has exceeded expectations in being this mix of AWESOME, aww and HAWT. As much as I’d like to sit here and stare at that picture all night, I really should go finish getting ready to head off to the library. >_>;;;

Snowscheme #3, by the way, will involve Deeum and baby garms. Details on that forthcoming.

(WIP) Someone didn’t get the memo

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Seriously, guys, I didn’t forget about it. :(

Why so little? Painter crashed after I finished inking Numair’s head… twice. And both times I was a bonehead and didn’t think to save more often. Why yes, I’m very bad about saving often, I really should try to fix that. :P

The best part will be when I get to the actual cookie house. Oh yeah.

But, argh, I can’t continue anymore for now… cannot focus well when hungry. x_x

And strangely there was no drama.

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

Yeah, any notions of snark got chomped right in the butt. So… that made things a little better.
My cat was being all spastically-nosy during dinner, though… he’d run away if people other than me tried to pet him, but a few minutes later he’d do his “I’ll rub on your leg while trotting through” thing. And then afterwards, there was much watching of Hancock, because… well… come on, like you need an excuse to load up anything that has Will Smith, right?

Still glad that Thanksgiving is done with, though. Bring on Christmas! :D! Yeah, neighbors are already putting up house lights. Probably within a week I can start doing research for the MOAR LIGHTS Snowscheme >_>;
Even if I’m screwed on being able to do much shopping (you know, nullified permit and all)… I’ll figure something out? Maybe? At the very worst whatever I pull off will have to be direct-shipped, which would be less fun since I can’t put my special touch on it (see: OMFGBOX, in which the charm and awesome lies mostly in the presentation/intent than actual loot) but I would think that the parties involved would be a little forgiving of that.

Also… some progress is being made on another plot, one I cannot mention out in the open yet since at the very least I’d get a lot of weird looks and “wtf” messages over the medium I’m using. Let me put it this way: a category of Across Universe that hasn’t been really touched at all may see a lot of action in the coming months.

I’ll get on inking the Snowscheme in a bit. Rar.

(WIP) Denlans roasting on an open fire

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

“Pecos biting at your nose…”

…wireframe mode does not do this justice, especially on the house. I think Numair missed the memo that this cookie house is, you know, for Christmas and not Halloween >_>;
In addition to fondant figures of Numair roasting Denlan over the chimney, there’s also fondant/modelling chocolae figures other people… and maybe Black Dragons… or pieces of them, strewn about.

Ah, well… the man has to vent his violent itches somehow, I guess. (Never mind how often he sets Denlan’s head on fire…)

Time for sleep.

Sucky Thursday

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

So, I have Chrono Trigger DS.

I would like to tell those who are hating on its new translation– specifically, the part dealing with Frog’s loss of “accent”– to shut their traps. SERIOUSLY GUYS, IT’S NOT THAT BAD. He’s saying the same stuff as before, just not Middle Engrish-iczed (which, in hindsight, was kinda out-of-place when all the other 600AD NPCs spoke normally), so it’s not like he lost the knight-speak entirely. o.O I mean, wasn’t the accent just a twisted form of softening, even censoring Frog as he was portrayed in Japanese, anyway? New Frog pretty much just got a minor downgrade to Cecil/Beatrix/Steiner level of knight-speak, and last I checked, we still think of those three as being pretty badass.

(Actually, the way Frog speaks now… kinda reminds me of Cornelius, the cute little bunny knight in Odin Sphere. Which I still need to play, since Yuri “I’m as everywhere as a Nemesis plot” Lowenthal plays said cute little bunny knight… I don’t think I need to point out where this thought train is going, if one were to speculate about what would happen if CT had voices XD;;)

That aside… yes, there are a couple things that are somewhat headscratch-worthy (Revive is “Athenian Water?” and wtf “Fiendlord” as Magus’ title), but… I don’t really see much for the boneheaded fanboy camps (I’m looking at YOU, Gamefaqs and /v/) to be whining about. Then again, we call them boneheaded fanboys for a reason. :P

I am SOOOOO spoiled on Plus Game mode, hahaha. Seeing as I can do a Plus Game run in under 6 hours now (probably less if I skip sidequests), I wonder if I should just do the bare minimum stuff on the first pass and go nuts with the sidequests in future cycles?


In other news… yes, even mother likes Christmas more than Thanksgiving. Half of the house is already rigged for Christmas (including the tree). Amazingly, neither Kestine nor Daisy have attempted to attack the tree… yet. Kestine doesn’t seem like he would (if anything, the worst he’d do is nap under it due to all the lights making it warm), but Daisy might swat at it. But still, the tree’s sturdy enough to survive some CAT ASSAULT so it should be fine. If anyone is a threat, it would be the Four Wiggly Puppies of the Apocalypse. >_>;

I’ve Snowscheme #2 sketched (we lost cable service for awhile, earlier this evening… which meant internet was also down, so I Ramen’d it up). It is, as mentioned before, “Numair’s Cookie House” in which mister sniper seems to think the objective is to make a splatterhouse movie scene out of the guild sugar cookie mansion. Chelsea doesn’t like it at all (since it’s a fondant figure of Denlan being roasted over the chimney) and Old Lady Kit is getting her Xelloss on with the “hohoho, that’s cute” face. At the last minute I added in Hikaru next to Numair, making this more of a tag-team effort…. and even she isn’t amused that Numair’s put an excessively-violent spin on what sould be cute. I’m on Dinah right now so I’ll have to switch over to Blastoise to get a screencap, and I’ll do THAT in a bit.

oh, and… T: [info]dmscv~~
I know what I want for my half, and because this involves two people…. I’ll, um, “pay the difference” by doing a Deeum-centric Snowscheme for #3. I need to go rig a wireframe to best explain it though.

*machine switch!*