Posts Tagged ‘holidays’

Twenty Five

Thursday, December 25th, 2008

Snowschemes are being extended through January. Weee~


How did I fare as far as loot? Well… not much, really. I gave out FAR more than I got… but, you know, that’s totally fine with me, since that’s more fun anyway. And I much prefer to get the things I want myself. >_>;;;
Again, my sole regret is that I had to direct-ship BOX fodder rather than assemble it with my kooky touch, so I guess that SOMEWHAT justifies my going a little far in regards to loot quality.

…but… did I really go a “little far?” Or is there such no such thing as… that, and I’m really just rebelling against mother and her twisted idea of “generosity is good but only if you’re the one benefitting from it?” (Really, just a nice way of saying GREED IS GOOD) But, that’s “weird Yoshi-brand pseudo-existentialist-or-something” fodder best saved for another day.

By the way…. if you really want to know:
– $100 total in gift cards (Pizza Hut, Best Buy, Gamestop and Visa. Highly useful for imminent Montclair raiding)
– Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
– hueg toaster oven (that one I keep mentioning, also FINALLY cleared enough space to plug that thing in, I just need another surge protector)
– new floor mat
– grabber… pole… thing (You know, those things that janitors use to pick up stuff? Yeah. Highly useful and much less icky than picking up Yoshi-brand hairballs and other hard-to-reach litter by hand)

loot given TO family:
– SlingCatcher (mother, but technically this is “network-wide”)
– Metal Gear Solid 4 (Robert)
– laptop bag (Kelly)

I’m still not revealing the contents of the individual BOXes until all three recipients have theirs (I’ve confirmed two out of three have them now), though I will reveal who got tapped on the 24th: [info]pigeonguided, [info]xenosphobatic + [info]lady_of_entropy, and [info]serotomi
This does not rule out potential SURPRISE UPGRADE in the future. Bewaaaaaare. >_>;

BOXES all around

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

So, save for one first officer ([info]pigeonguided >_>; I keep forgetting to prod him) I’ve gotten all my holiday shopping cleared. Granted, it would have been nice if I could have prepared these OMFGBOXes properly, with kooky packaging and such, but… I think the intent is still there. I hope?

…except I kinda screwed up on one piece by leaving off the apartment number. ARGH. So much for timing this so that both pieces hit at the same time. X_X
Well, I slap phone numbers on these things (most stores usually let you), so it’s possible that UPS or whoever (probably UPS) might come calling to confirm the address. >_>;;; (Hey, it happened when Neo sent back my copy of Tales of the Abyss, I think he transposed my house number or something and the deliveryman called my cell to make sure that it was going where it was supposed to.)
Crap, guys. I’m sorry. I just copy-pasted the address from Facebook without thinking about “oh wait, doesn’t this need an apartment number?” Oddly enough, the other piece appears to have made it through properly, but that’s because it was using a saved address from a previous instance.

Also: OMFGBOX is a “use immediately” thing. I tend to err on the side of them getting there early, and, well… it just seems MEAN to make you wait (plus most likely you guys won’t be home on the 25th and such so I can’t see what happens next, even if it’s via IM logs). Please poke me as soon as you get them! o.o A picture/video message is fine too!

I would have to say OMFGBOX is my favorite part about Christmas (well, after those lights and such… shiny…). Blah blah blah “anti-greed” or something.
I think “I did it for the lulz” is extremely appropriate here. XD

In other news…. wow, I looked out my window this morning and the mountains behind my house are COVERED in snow. As in, it looks like someone dumped the entire contents of a box of powdered sugar on them. o.o

I need something to nibble on. Then I’ll see about Snowscheme #3… provided I don’t get ambushed by cats.

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Snowscheme 2008 Part 2: “Numair’s Cookie Splatterhouse”

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

click for fullview
Someone forgot to tell Numair that this was, you know, supposed to be a nice, innocent little cookie house. You know, with gumdrops and snowmen and pretty little christmas trees made of cotton candy…

But, nooooo, he had to go and set one of the trees on fire, smash a hole in the roof, decapitate one of the snowmen and rip off the other’s arms, and splatter “blood” on the outer walls oh, and ROAST DENLAN OVER THE CHIMNEY.

….hm, do fondant figures count as effigies? Since that’s pretty much what that charred Denlan fondant figure is.

One more week until Christmas. Let’s hope I can put out a bunch of smaller Snowscheme pics before then. >_>;;;

Slow Snowfall

Friday, December 12th, 2008

Aaargh, this Snowscheme is going VERY SLOOOOOWLY… usually because I get called away or I get distracted by this big orange furball suddenly JUMPING ON THE TABLE AND DEMANDING PETTING NOW. @_@

Also apparently I am getting my share of the secondary payout… like… soon. I really hope Robert doesn’t, you know, think “gee, I’ll hold onto this and give it to Yoshi for Christmas,” because while that may look clever, I could really use it sooner rather than later. >_>; VPI is taking forever in getting me my reimbursement checks and while I could go ahead and do all my Christmas shopping now, doing so would drop me below $1000, which I would REALLY LIKE TO AVOID in case something crops up with one of the dogs (grrr, bulldogs and their many glitches).

It already sucks as is, that I can’t assemble the OMFGBOXes* by hand– with the DMV’s roflcoptery, transportation is a nightmare. Mother whines a lot as is just taking me to volunteer service, I’m not risking RAGING DRAMA QUEEN mode for this, so all of the OMFGBOX pieces will have to be direct-shipped. Bleh! Half, if not all the fun in doing OMFGBOX is the kook that goes into the packaging and such. OMFGBOX is less about the loot and more about the intent. Well, yes, we like loot… it’s, just… you know? HOPEFULLY it won’t be like this next year and I can do them properly, with Yoshi-brand kook involved in the packaging.

* Yeah, that’s right… multiple boxes. You know who you are… and if you don’t, you WILL. >_>

Um…. what else….

CoH: 12/17. Something will happen for Phil Day. In celebration of badass old men… including mine. :P I don’t know, I guess it just feels appropriate to do SOMETHING ingame to honor Father, since he was greatly amused by the existence of his CoH incarnation. (“What’s my power?” “You heal people and shoot pink psychic bubbles out of your forehead! Oh, and you can FLY.” “XD” And lots more XD-ing as he watched me scribble old man Phil casting Indignation.)

Speaking of badass old men, I should probably level Kopii Phil. >_>

On that note, time for sleeeeeeeeeeep.

Oh hi…

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

Wow, already December 10? I need to hurry and get my Christmas shopping done… or rather, VPI needs to hurry and send my freaking reimbursement checks for the Four Pups of the Apocalypse already. >_>;

My big orange furball has been a lot more vocal lately. He’s taken to… rolling over like he’s a dog, meowing all the while. When he realizes I’m looking at him…. BANG, springs to his feet and starts licking himself.
Ah, silly Kestine. I love how you are an oddball like me. ♥

I should, like…. try to finish that Snowscheme today, so I can move on to the simpler ones. Like Deeum getting piled on by Baby Garms. Yeah.