Posts Tagged ‘holidays’

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Snowscheme 2009 Part 2: Mistle-Omb

Monday, November 30th, 2009

To kiss under mistletoe at Christmas is romantic.
To kiss under Mistle-ombs is… explosive.

Denlan is relentless… even if he should claim every other eligible lady in Across, Hikaru would forever be beyond his reach, having already chosen.
Ordinarily Numair would simply punish Denlan’s interference by setting his head on fire, but sometimes this kind of flagrant infringment calls for more… appropriate measures.

…measures like strategic placement of Mistle-ombs– Bob-Ombs that mimic mistletoe.

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Snowscheme 2009 Part 1: Garm Friday

Saturday, November 28th, 2009

Some history here: Last year I meant to do a Snowscheme with Deeum and a baby Garm but ran out of time. So, as compensation, such a piece would go first this year.

…but as you can see, that’s not a *baby* Garm. It’s… er… well, you know when a dog is in that awkward-looking transition between puppy and adult? Yeah, that would be the closest thing to what happened here. Point being, I don’t draw pooches very often (despite living with three obnoxious bulldogs) and it kinda shows here. >_>;

Chelsea got added in at the last minute. I don’t know what triggered it… but it would be funny if someone were made to carry all the stuff that Deeum bought.

I’m working on a smaller “canvas” this time, so things get done faster. I’ll also be pulling fodder from the queue unless someone pipes up with other things. Let’s see what happens as far as frequency goes!

A shiny delayed is a little shinier

Friday, November 27th, 2009

Dear loyal Across minions (and other relevant parties):

As you know, a new machine joined my network last month. However, the unexpected situation regarding his motherboard… ended with me burning that pile of coins I was going to use to spoil you all. >_>;;; Terribly sorry about that. I know, Christmas isn’t supposed to be fixated on loot and such (me, I like the light displays and food more than anything these days) but it cannot be denied that deep down everyone likes a little shiny. AND I HAPPEN TO LIKE SPOILING MY MINIONS BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME AND SHOWING UP EMPTY-HANDED IS KINDA MADE OF FAIL, OKAY?!


BUT… I reload the Magic Coin Block in the first week of January (and because it appears CD rates are doomed to continue sucking for a long time, I’m just going to empty the contents of the Bigger Magic Coin Block into my on-site Magic Coin Block and my Reserve Coin Block). And in Ragnarok TWILIGHT there is a certain holiday that falls on January 25… one I shall co-opt for my own ends in addition to its real-world parallel of conveniently falling on [info]neophoenixte‘s birthday. Crimson Day, anyone? :D

So, please be assured that your overlord is not some coin-pinching twit who is holding out on you for the holidays, it was just bad timing (or rather, me failing to check to see if that inherited motherboard actually worked before I threw it inside Yggdrasil). >_>;

In the meantime, I must find warm munchies (because holy crap cold room is COLD) before I fire up Painter for Snowscheme-y awesome.
Or Robert summons me into WoW.
Whichever happens first.


Loot fodder, already

Friday, November 27th, 2009

WTF. I may have to ask for an iPod Touch (I like Verizon too much to consider jumping ship to AT&T for the iPhone). I thought the whole “lol app for that” was kinda lame but now all these cool things are surfacing: Slingplayer, LogMeIn Ignition and now EFFING TRILLIAN! Hell, I think there’s even a Metal Gear on that, too.

(Corel, while it may very well be technically impossible, if you make an iPod Touch/iPhone port of Painter, I’ll… er… I don’t know what I’d do aside from LOL FOREVER. I know there are already drawing apps but if there are actually any apps remotely approaching that level…)

Anywho, the other purpose for this post: now that Thansgiving has GTFO…. CHRISTMAS TIME, HELL YEAH.
The Christmas icon comes out now for the LJ edition (because everyone likes cats ‘n racks) and I need to go find my widdle 1-foot tree with the blue lights. Also Snowschemes imminent! While Yggdrasil can function well enough as an Instant Ramen machine (Painter on an HDTV… *Homer drool*), Blastoise will get awakened tomorrow for some hot Ramen action. Mwahahahaha!

I’ll end with a relevant Craig Ferguson youtube… because I’m a awful, awful fangirl. >:P

Oh right, Mother’s Day

Monday, May 4th, 2009

Sometimes the universe falls right into place, even if it’s in a trivial way.

Slingboxes on sale? ($30 slashed off each!) Two please. Oh, right, Rewards Zone certificates! There’s another $20, which more or less negates shipping.
And, most importantly, I can dress up one of them as mother’s day loot. w00t? Oh yes.

(…bonus points if this stuff gets here BEFORE Friday.)