Posts Tagged ‘holidays’

(WIP) They aren’t exactly rocks or hard places…

Monday, December 7th, 2009

Quite obviously influenced by a similar piece involving Flonne and Etna in the Disgaea 1 artbook. However, unlike those two, Hikaru and Haruko aren’t even remotely flat-chested…

Numair, not amused?
Maybe not…
If he wasn’t amused, well, he probably wouldn’t have taken off the antlers, for one thing. Just saying.

Feel free to pile on in the 2009 Snowscheme queue if you are so inclined (and if you’re in Across or are a friend of the guild, you should be registered there ANYWAY). Much of what’s in there… would be more appropriate as we get closer to Christmas Eve. One thing’s for sure, though– there WILL be a Phil/Paring-related piece on the 17th. Call it weird but I can’t stand the thought of letting father’s birthday slide into oblivion even if he’s no longer here…

46F my ass, Fontana. It feels like 30 in here!
Good for Blastoise and Iggy, not so much for me! I can pile on the cloaks and such but it’s moot when it’s time to draw. I need to get some fingerless gloves or something…
A Varia Suit is fine too…

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Snowscheme 2009 Part 4: Streetside

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Prontera City gets stupidly cold at night. And it just started to snow. Does that stop a drunken alien in a cocktail dress, a demon bard and a couple of Santa Prinnies? HELL NO. Haruko, Spoony and two prinnies set up shop on some corner and perform drunken carols for lulz and maybe some booze monies.

Tried a different lighting method here since it seemed more fitting for the circumstances. Made for a faster coloring job but it’s obviously situational. :P
Also this is, again, conveniently composed and sized for near-effortless wallpaper usage.

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Snowscheme 2009 Part 3: MOAR LIGHTS

Friday, December 4th, 2009

Oh crap, dood!
They’re really gonna team up, dood!
Do we get extra hazard pay for working for Numair, dood?

(WIP) Slash Double-G

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Those Prinnies… all I can think of is them freaking out and flailing. “Oh crap, dood!”

I wonder… are Numair and Velan the type to torture Prinnies for lulz and profit?

(WIP) Prinnies and Lights and the ALLIANCE THAT SHOULDN’T BE

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

WIP time because I started late and I’m not sure if I can finish before conking out:

This is a combination of “MOAR LIGHTS” and “Santa Prinny Squad” from the queue. First off, yes we DO have Prinnies in Ragnarok TWILIGHT and they’re every bit as lazy as the ones found elsewhere except here they actually get paid a decent wage so they’re more likely to, you know, work and such.

Secondly… oh snap, this time Numair’s going to help Velan wire the castle with lights?! WTF?! Because normally it’s Numair holding Hikaru back from footstomping Velan into oblivion as she thinks he means to blow up the castle. But it seems that [info]neophoenixte is really NeoTimTaylorTE* and has a taste for overkill on light displays, and such must be reflected here. While Velan is usually involved in a tertiary role in all of Haruko’s pranks that she plays on Numair, on occasion Numair and Velan actually do get along… if only because Velan is useful for cookies on demand. I imagine their alliance this time involves cookies.

The Prinny Squad here, though, freaks out all the same. “They’re teaming up, dood!” “We’re screwed, dood!” “Hikaru’s not gonna like this, dood!” and such.

Now, there’s a bit of a technical snafu that I decided to keep in here for hilarity. See, in this world, electrical devices are powered by mana, so things like outlets are… not necessary– power is sucked from free mana in the air. Yet in these pics, there is a power outlet! Nonsense, because one need only cast a very low-level lightning spell to start up string lights. But… I’m leaving in the outlet because it’s always been there and to imagine Hikaru freaking out as Velan VERY SLOWLY about to plug in the lights is funny. :P

* I always liked the Christmas episodes of Home Improvement. Sneakiest under-the-radar method of saying “asshole neighbor” ever– dude, Doc Johnson, the Proctologist? XD Sailed over my head as a kid, but now… hm. I think I should go raid YouTube now…