Posts Tagged ‘dood’

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Prinny Cupcake

Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

Art Trade - Prinny Cupcake I forget, sometimes, that it’s just starting up that’s a drag, because I’m just “blaaah where do I go first and how am I going to keep it up?” And then after slogging away for a bit I stop thinking and it’s just this fog of automated action; changing out subtools, colors, blending and what-have-you. Often times I’ll have some podcast/live stream or something going, and I’ll actually be able to tell you what I was doing at that exact moment and inversely, what I was playing while working on that part of a piece. I wish I’d realized this earlier into college; yes, eventually I stopped taking notes during class and switched to drawing and found I remembered MUCH more of the material that way. It had the side effect of distracting people sitting nearby, so I tried to sit in the far back if there were outlets back there.

Oh yeah, art trade awesomesauce. Because [info]dmscv wins. :P

(WIP) More cupcakes, dood

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

Now with ink!
Unexpected longer server maintenance for WoW is good for something, heh. :P (So much for trying to lure people over to Draenor with promises of cookies!)

Also, at this rate I’ll probably pick up my Disgaea 3 save file.


(WIP) Cupcake, dood

Monday, July 19th, 2010

O HI. What rubbish is this? I’m drawing again? O_O
Wireframe for my end of a trade with [info]dmscv, who did this piece of awesome.
Prinnies are useful for so many things… weapons, furniture, delivery of tasty cupcakes (that are also prinny-themed). Demon Sarah is pleased. :3

I want cupcakes now.

All a-twitter

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

If you read Ayarane Project through the main hub, this is probably irrelevant to you since AP sticks my tweets on the sidebar. I don’t do a daily Twitter round-up in the LJ/Facebook feeds as a courtesy to those who, understandably, don’t care to be tweet-bombed (though I would like to think that the Twitter hate has died down since then… hopefully).

That said, I would like to apologize in advance to those reading through LJ who harbor a seething, deep-seeted hatred of the Twitter and would advise you to skip this post for the sake of your blood pressure. :P Hell, if you’re reading this on the LJ feed, I’ll even cut it for you.

Dear internet, I am a twit. I tweet the peeps. I am anything BUT a Twitter Quitter. I even own Twitter-related shirts! (Seriously, proud owner of this shirt and next time I make an offering to the ThinkGeek gods I am SO getting this.)

I made a post along these lines when I first opened my Twitter account last year but for some reason I’ve not plugged it much if at all since then.

You should follow me! Here, my Twitter handle, let me show it to you:

“But Yoshi,” random internet dood says, “didn’t you say you hated this self-promotional business and denounce it as pointless vanity?” Yes, of course. I still have a pathological fear of vanity that no doubt gets me REAMED in the job hunt (this alongside my equally-pathological fear of cold-calling) but this is one of those freak moments in which I’m on a snark streak and I’m going to roll with it. o_o I know, it’s really weird. Please put down the bootstrap whips, doods who would lecture me about applying this elsewhere, as such talk is still generally not welcome here.


Why should you read my tweets?
Well… you know those fun-sized candies that we tend to decry as a rip-off but are, in fact, kind of awesome if you need a bite-sized sugar fix? Yeah, that’s what Yoshi-brand twitter is.
Imagine these little Yoshi Candies with Twitter-colored wrappings, and when you pop one you get a little burst of Yoshi-ness that would otherwise be too small to justify a post (most of the time… sometimes they are links to WIPs/finished arts, replies or, gasp, RETWEETS).

Just as I have been told that I have this thing about making the most mundane, daily nothings interesting enough to read about in blog form (whether or not this is true, well, that’s on you to decide), Yoshi-brand tweets are the same way, just… bite-sized. Omnomnom.
To continue with this horrible candy analogy, the Forrest Gump rule is also in effect– contents are randomized and may contain nuts. NAUGHTY LIBERAL NUTS. That is, I can, will, and often do shoot my mouth on politics and, NOT ONLY THAT, also let my raging voice actor fandom (particularly of one Yuri Lowenthal, who, by the way, is absolute hilarity on Twitter and MORESO when he and his wife Tara Platt are up to no good :3 :3 :3) fly free as a little tweety-bird without fear of having a fireball flung in my face. :D

Oh, and as if you didn’t need any more incentives, this is also what you want to follow if you want to see pictures (and, hopefully more frequently, VIDEO) of my big orange furball. So, in a way, Kestine gets in on the Twitter action, too.

I promise I’m not drunk, internet. I don’t even drink. I’m just naturally this smarmy.

So, internet doods, please follow me on the Twitter machine. I don’t have an awesome Robot Skeleton Army like Craig Ferguson does but… hm… maybe I can amass a Tweeting Prinny Legion. (Dood.)
Well, you could just read the tweet-feed without having to actually sign up for Twitter, but something about having a follow list that isn’t littered with bots and MLM-shills and other not-people-who-are-legitimately-interested just kinda tickles me pi… blue. Twitter blue.

As an aside, I’d considered making a Twitter feed just for the Cthulhu-like entity otherwise known as Yoshi’s Imagination but I decided against it since in most cases it’d break the 140-character limit. Sadface. :( Though, maybe I could make a Facebook fan page for it instead? HMM.

This concludes my shameless Twitter-mercial and I promise I won’t make such a horrible plug for a very long time. :P

Holy shit, it’s almost the end of February. March is when we REALLY get to the COUNTDOWN TO YOSHI DAY 2010 (aka “Yoshi Day Episode 26” aka “Yoshi Day 1st Season Finale” aka “Yoshi’s Birthday But Not April Fools Day”). Sadly I have no spoilers to offer for the upcoming not-television event, aside from it likely involving cake and other tasty food.

Also, unrelated: CURLING. Listen to a curling match without commentary (and no video). Doesn’t it sound really naughty?
I’m very sorry, internet, my mind is in a very lulzy place right now. XD I’m going to bum around on YouTube until Craig Ferguson’s on.

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Snowscheme ’09 Part 8: Open House

Friday, December 25th, 2009

Where are our paychecks, dood?
Yeah, we busted ass putting up all these decorations, dood!
At least give us some cookies, dood!

…and this is to say nothing of the other two panels.
Why do I have this Prinny fixation? I think I’ll take my PSP to bed with me and grind it up in Disgaea a bit… dood.

Merry Christmas from Ayarane Project.
And because stuff happens hella late over here, I’ll surely be drawing crap tomorrow, too.
In fact, I should go set up the wireframe for Part 9 (the guild Christmas party!) now before I forget so I can get right back into it tomorrow.