Posts Tagged ‘holidays’

Choosing is hard

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

…and by that I mean picking which Snowscheme to do next. It’s ARGH because they all have potential for either extreme lulz or awesome or BOTH.

I’ll eliminate a few right now (more like most of these are being held because I’d want to have them done later in December, in concurrence with the “Twelve Days of Christmas” event in RT lore):

– MOAR LIGHTS (going to wait until neighbors put up houselights here, so I can, um, do research >_>;;;)
– JINT Santa, Storytime and Conference (I may triple-panel these, and release on the 23rd since that’s when all 3 take place)
– Light Verdict, Nightsong, Under the Table (these take place on the 24th… triple-panel may not be doable for these and it’s also possible I may only be able to do 1 or 2)
– OMFGPRESENT and Celina’s Puppy (takes place on the 25th, these I can double-panel)

(if you have no idea what these mean, look here)

So, yes… choosing the next one is making me :(
I wish I could be a Ramen speed demon again, when I was able to do completed stuff in, like, 3 hours and such. Boo.

Time for sleep.

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Snowscheme ’08 #1: Steady…

Friday, November 14th, 2008

Click for fullview

It’s. freaking. done. x.x
Whose bright idea was it to stick Haruko and Spoony at the bottom? Deeum is clearly not amused. Oh, and how is Chelsea supposed to get down from there?

Why yes, the christmas tree should be casting a giant honking shadow to the left… but it’s not. CONSPIRACIES and such.

Still a ways to go

Thursday, November 13th, 2008

No, no Snowscheme #1 yet… the tree is being a doodoohead since I have to drybrush it and then add lights and ornaments and ohgod this is why I paint Christmas trees very sparingly. HOPEFULLY future Snowschemes in this year’s series won’t prove to be so time-consuming, I’d like to be able to whip two out a week.

In the meantime, since I knew some people would like something to look at (and it was more feasible to stop and do a color sketch than attempt to finish #1), have some Christmas-modded Yoshi:

Taking a page from Pai, Yoshi’s eartails are tied up so as to not obscure the ribbon. Plus, her eartails combined with the insane fuzziness of that outfit… man, it’d be itchy as hell.

It was either port over Planet’s Burden or make a Christmas-themed weapon… I took an unusual third path. This “Celestiaring” isn’t QUITE holiday-looking, but to a degree it could be relevant. In the end, it just looks damned cute and like something Yoshi would use. I’d tried a Mistletoe mod of Planet’s Burden but it just didn’t look right.
Yes, Celestiaring = Lunaring + Stellaring, both Poring-series that I made up on the spot >_>;;

(WIP) Towers of Color

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Getting there.

Sleep, now. z_z

On Distractions

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

I’m staring at the still-uncolored-in-the-least Snowscheme… ah, it sucks to be easily distracted sometimes. Earlier, mother was talking about possibly taking the Frenchies to get their pictures taken with a mall santa, and decorating the house for Christmas (yeah, it seems I’m not the only one who doesn’t care for Thanksgiving, hehe), so while I’m trying to prod myself into coloring this rather complicated totem pole Snowscheme, I start browsing the likes of Walmart and Target’s websites for Christmas decor.

The sight of a red velvet ribbon served as a most bizarre trigger.

Red velvet = santa suits
Santa suits = christmas mods of RT character costumes
….Christmas cosplay? of the RL variety?

I totally did not need THAT idea to pop into my head. XD;
But… what if? One need not necessarily dress up as Santa, or Mrs. Claus, or an elf or a reindeer…

I started thinking… well, Hikaru would be right out, since the Mistletoe Maximillian would pe a pain and a half to construct in a short timeframe (I’d have had to start in, like… September) but perhaps Yoshi would be feasible? Well, first off, I should probably sketch her Christmas mod of the Twilight Seal. Still, thinking in “ballpark” terms, I’d just need to get ahold of a vest pattern and a crapload of red velvet and white faux fur. A blue wig, size 13 Santa boots (yes, I have hueg feet) and Santa gloves are easily obtainable either locally or online. Headgear… Yoshi would actually be better suited for a mistletoe-themed circlet rather than a Santa hat.

And then there’s the question of if I make the normal Planet’s Burden, or a Christmas-themed 2h staff…


Just like with my aspirations for Halloween… this is contingent on the DMV and its not being made of stupid, so I can go scout stores for materials. I am, surprisingly, more adept with a sewing machine than I realize, though with material like velvet and faux fur, I’d probably have to stitch that stuff together by hand because it is freaking thick.

Why yes, I AM far too easily inspired. :P

For now, I should probably color this snowscheme.