Perspective is an ass. >:(
Before I go on… totally need a food break. :9
Perspective is an ass. >:(
Before I go on… totally need a food break. :9
Reindeer Numair says RAWR!
This, by the way, is all jote‘s fault. Good thing this was a simple paintjob. XD
As far as icons go, do your worst, Jessie Monster! Bonus points if we can get Neo to wear the end result!
Totem pole of DOOM. From bottom: Haruko, Spoony, Deeum and Chelsea.
Since I had more extra space than I thought I would… edged in Hikaru and Numair, and to the right of the totem pole… Cal, with a box of ornaments (probably a few in the final version).
Poor Hikaru, most of the time she’s the only one who seems to behave like a responsible adult and worry that someone might get hurt unnecessarily in all the reckless tomfoolery.
Also, as promised… the new christmas mods for Hikaru, Haruko and Numair. While Chelsea’s new holiday duds are definitely on the complex end of the scale, Hikaru’s Mistletoe Maximillian definitely comes close. :P And why yes, that IS a Mistle-Omb that Numair’s palming. A favored means of light demolition without using magic… or for pranking Denlan. :P
Time permitting, I may indeed do speed-ramens of other character’s christmas mods. It’s pretty much needed for a couple others who have never appeared in a Snowscheme before (Yoshi and Old Lady Kit, to name two). But no more drawing for the moment, though… I think my right hand would kill me.
dmscv, still trying to figure out what I want… all I know is that it will involve Reindeer Numair. I’ll have to sleep on it a little more. Also, in general, feel free to mooch off something in the Snowscheme queue, even if it overlaps with something I end up doing. There is always room for more holiday lulz. :D
I’m Yoshi and I stick my nose up at Thanksgiving. Phooey!
I’ve the first Snowscheme (the human totem pole, as suggested by dmscv) sketched and ready to ink… but I felt the need to interrupt long enough to plan out some of the updated Christmas modifications to some of the character outfits. Right now, of characters who have appeared in a Snowscheme before, Haruko, Numair and Chelsea are getting either heavily-modified or new outfits outright. Haruko’s getting a longer Santa-themed cocktail dress, Numair’s getting a brown Sneaking Suit (with some fuzzy effects), and Chelsea, well… just see for yourself:
Yeah, it’s a Christmas mod of her original Tales of Destiny outfit. (It’s not unreasonable to think that she brought it with her, just as Haruko had brought her old FLCL gear along.)
This was a speed-paintjob, so the coloring and such is a bit rough (and she’s standing on her toes if you’re wondering why her feet look a bit small)… but it’s enough to give an idea as to what she’ll be packing this time. Obviously in full Snowschemes the quality will be MUCH better.
I’ll be posting later with the Christmas mods for Numair, Haruko and Hikaru (her Mistletoe Maximillian gets a couple of minor tweaks too), but for reasons of cute, I was compelled to do Chelsea first. :P
Halloween and Election Day (which for all intents and purposes, I consider a “holiday” in the context of Instant Ramen) are over, and unless I am given compelling reason enough to do otherwise, I’m skipping doing a Thanksgiving piece for Instant Ramen Sketchbook, because all I seem to come up with are variations on the kitchen getting blown up. While that’s funny, I think I can accomplish more if I skip Thanksgiving and start up the Snowscheme (e.g. Christmas) series earlier.
Yeah, yeah, “encroachment of Christmas” and such. But if prior years are any indication, Snowschemes are better quality-wise and are often funnier.
For the uninitiated… no, I’ve no bloody freaking idea why these are called Snowschemes, it’s just a name that happened and STUCK. Well, maybe it’s because the first ones were often in a wallpaper-friendly size, but that doesn’t always apply. They’re scribbles of the Ragnarok TWILIGHT cast engaging in holiday tomfoolery (technically the scenes have nothing to do with the story, but because of the characters involved, the pics would be presumed to take place after Episode 2 unless otherwise specified).
Across splits into two “factions” of sorts for these pics: the Santa Squad and the Reindeer Brigade, and as such, they tend to dress the part… sort of. And by that I mean they wear a Christmas-themed mod of either their normal or ultimate gear; for instance, Hikaru red velvet Maximillian (though given its use of Shape Memory Alloy, it’s possible that the armor could morph into a “Mistletoe Configuration”). For some bizarre reason, all the Snipers and Bards got filed into the Reindeer Brigade, though I’m pretty sure that was all Chelsea’s fault, especially her decision to make Numair be the Brigade’s Rudolph and wear that goofy red nose!
(Note to self: maybe seraphzero and I should put a full Snowscheme entry on Across Universe, given the half-baked-yet-not-quite-a-subplot we’ve cooked up for this over the years…)
Snowschemes started up in… 2004, I think, same year I got my first tablet and pretty much dominated Instant Ramen Sketchbook throughout the holiday season. I’ve averaged about 4-5 pieces a year and started working on them right after Thanksgiving, but this year they’ll be started earlier… as in… right now.
I am now opening the floor to requests/demands/whatever. Reply here, or if you have posting access to Across Universe, head over to the Instant Ramen request thread there. Off the bat, the first two in the queue (which I can pick and choose at my discretion):
– MOAR LIGHTS (mentioning “Velan” and “castle lights display” always gives Hikaru a panic attack because the latter thinks Velan’s going to blow up the castle by going overboard. Usually Velan does the light display solo, but what happens if, in order to pull off an even more elaborate display, he recruits Haruko and Duxx, to name a couple, to plan and set up?)
– Cookie Double Tech (Old Lady Kit enters the brawl! And, well, she’s always struck me as being a Mrs. Claus. Of course, she and Chelsea find out the hard way that decorating cookies leads to red-nosed Snipers trying to swipe some early…)
Soooo, yeah. Have at! Or something. o.o