Posts Tagged ‘video’

Ghosts in the Television

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

It’s June 1. Today my awesome new TV gets here, and there shall be much happiness because this means Yggdrasil gets his head back, and I can use my PS3 and Wii again. :D :D :D

In the meantime, join me in a bit of WTF in the form of Ghostbusters Pachinko:

On one hand, how badass does this look? I wish this was an actual video game as opposed to a video-enhanced pachinko machine. It’d be pretty freaking awesome on the Wii! (Similarly, this is giving me major flashbacks of Luigi’s Mansion.)
On the other hand… epic, EPIC FAIL for omitting Winston. Dude. He was AWESOME. :( And yet this just pretends he never existed.
I don’t want to jump to the “racefail” card off the bat, but… yeah, WTF Japan? o_O

In which Yoshi makes TWiT get its LOL on

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

I’m still internet famous for the time being. This is far too amusing to be real, but IT IS.

Let me back up a bit: If you recall, the other day I did a fan art piece for NSFW (a comedy video podcast on TWiT) and tweeted it to the hosts… and I figured that it would bring some funny and get some retweets and that would be it.

I, uh, apparently made enough of an impact to get said piece plugged during the aftershow (sadly, it is not included in the actual podcast and I wish I knew how to capture a live Ustream feed) AND retweeted by everyone in the pic. (Though… due to Twitter’s 140-character limit, my Twitter handle got dropped! Bah!)

I PROBABLY should have linked the actual DB entry rather than the fullview so I could get an accurate viewcount, but based on server logs and bandwidth usage, it got about 2700+ views.

It doesn’t end there, either. It’s been uploaded to the BBpedia and as of this posting, made the featured photo on the front page (despite clearly NOT being a photo). And yesterday morning, it got mentioned during TWiT’s coverage of the first Google I/O keynote. I didn’t actually get to watch the video version of that in full until just a couple hours ago and it turns out about 3/4 of the way through the event, Leo Laporte decided to display my horseapples doodle live.

Here’s the youtube of the Google I/O video, my drawing shows up around 1:33:50 (I’ll crop out that part and repost it to my YouTube account in a bit so you won’t have to wait for that monster to buffer all the way)

Yeah. I got praised by freaking Leo Laporte, the king of the internet! Maybe not by name but, hell, that was partially my fault for not embedding my Twitter handle or something in the corner. I’m under no delusions that this actually means anything in the long run or that I could pull off anything like this again. However, please indulge me in letting me enjoy my few minutes of internet fame. :P

The reason I haven’t posted this to my deviantArt is because the mods there don’t take too kindly to any depictions of Pedobear (even though I’ve warped his portrayal a lot by having him chase a 21 year old dude who’s been branded the analog of Justin Bieber, as opposed to little girls). It’s not written anywhere but I would rather err on the side of not getting smacked by the dA banhammer. ^_^;

Update @ 11:00pm

Writer’s Block: Too scary!!

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Was there something you were afraid of as a child that just seems silly to you now?

Submitted By [info]hamburger

View 1506 Answers

Promise right now you won’t laugh at me. >_>;
I saw this topic pop up on TweetDeck and against my better judgment I’m going for it. And, well… they say music can evoke memories…

We travel back in time to when I was about 5 years old. And back then, not only did VH1 and MTV actually air these things called “music videos” but they were actually kind of awesome. For some reason, I remember being glued to these channels marginally more than cartoons and such even though, like, 90% of the lyrics made no sense to me at the time. I think it was all about the visuals.

And then, uh, I saw this:

In my 5 year old mind, this video scared the SMOO out of me; I was all “oh shit, George Michael is going to freaking jump out of the TV and EAT ME” (not in those exact words but you get the idea) because he looked all pissed off. Again, at the time the lyrics were nonsense to me but, dood, take it from the perspective of a 5 year old kid and you’d be spooked out of your mind, too!

And apparently it was so bad that I had actually blocked it out of my mind for, like, 19 years until one day when I was in the car and the song came on mother’s XM radio. GEE THANKS, memory repression… thing. I have all this stuff I’d like to either forget or block out for all eternity and instead of anything out of there, you go and suppress a memory of a freaking George Michael video.

W. T. F. XD

There’s a couple other stupidly-spooky relics that still linger in spookiness. Like… the Lavos screech in Chrono Trigger. No, wait, worse than that, that synthesized “breathing” sound you hear while inside his shell* and gets louder the closer you get to the core. Holy crap that’s just… no. DO NOT WANT. Thankfully EVERY version of Chrono Trigger has the “sound glitch;” loading the menu kills the breathing sound.

* I’ve always wondered where EXACTLY you’re wandering through. Graphics-wise, it resembles a watery cave. In most instances, you’re entering from that hole where Lavos’ head used to be… but my brother claims you’re actually climbing up Lavos’ butt. That’s not ENTIRELY unreasonable…

Countdown to Yoshi Day Episode 26, T-4d

Sunday, March 28th, 2010

The weather widget predicts rain on Thursday. :O
Whether or not that will actually happen is anyone’s guess, given that it’s been quite windy the past few days. Still… o_o

It seems the theme of this year’s Yoshi Day is chocolate. Chocolate cake, chocolate pancakes, supposedly the best milk chocolate candy EVER… I already like this. Only way this gets better is if ThinkGeek starts selling chocolate soap. (What? They already sell caffeinated soap… and I think they even stock BACON-scented soap!)

Speaking of ThinkGeek…
If the timing is right, I’ll be wearing this funny hat on 4/1. That’s right… the ThinkGeek version of the Majestic Goat. Well, minus the ears, anyway.
You know who else does funny hats? :D

Semi-related: I may be seeing How to Train Your Dragon this week. If so, it’d probably be on mother’s side of Yoshi Day shenanigans.

Truthfully, though… the best part about 4/1 is that I will be, at least for a day, spared from that awful CACOPHONY OF WOOF and all the pointless yelling and such that goes with it. (Inversely, this also means I’ll be away from my big orange purrbot. Boo.)

And now I go play some more FFXIII. Wee~

(WIP) Bloodstained Roses

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

As promised, the villains version. Maya, Ralse and Zeirkain up top, Lucas and Satoshi below. (Dude, that gun. “Bang.”)
This is pretty much the first time drawing the Pearl Rose doods (except for Ralse and maybe Maya, I forget if I’ve drawn her yet).

The surrounding rose is going to be all drybrush. I’ve no shortage of reference materials for THAT, har har. *points to the giant freaking archive of rose pictures on the LAN from back when mother was a “omfg roses” and such*

Today, I get THE CHAIR.
UPS says “out for delivery,” so it’ll probably get here later this afternoon. That sucker’s getting assembled right away. Once I post this I need to drag the broken chair out of my room to clear up space.

Sweet, sweet faux-leather and steel. Should be not only much more comfortable than the cheap excuse for a seating pad on the old model, but also much more stable (the old chair was laminated wood with some kind of metal spring-things that let it swivel and recline). Once it’s set up, don’t be surprised if I sleep for the rest of the week. @_@


This isn’t just more mindless Craig Ferguson lulz. Who’s that on the far right?
Yus, Sam Riegel was on yesterday’s episode. Quite fitting that Mr. Spoony Bard would be part of the Late Late Show’s official Greek chorus. Or at least, I thought it was hilarious (because I am still the Worst FF4 Fangirl Ever). ;P
This twitpic cracks me up so freaking much. XD
(Also, he’s a pretty convincing Tiger Woods impersonator.)