Posts Tagged ‘video’

Yoshi’s Imagination: Conan the Catboy?

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Via CuteOverload:

He needs a chubby kitty pal named Andy.
Just sayin’… :D

In other news, now that I’ve cleared Dissidia, time to work on the rest of my PSP game pile. Right now that means clearing Etna Mode in Disgaea 1. Except… Item World is so distracting, eeee… @_@

Lawd, is that some Lunar PSP footage?!

Monday, September 28th, 2009

Via TGS 2009:

Dude. Battle footage. It looks like… Disgaea with a pinch of Ar Tonelico (the latter for the face panel cut-ins). AWESOME.
Also awesome? Jessica with a Pow Hammer-like ability. It’s so freaking fitting, why didn’t she get that before? XD

It goes without saying, but DO WANT.

Rachel Maddow would surely approve of such quackitude.

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

(Via CuteOverload)

OMG, I hope Llama’s seen this. I’ll have to forward this to him if I run into him in CoH tonight. (He has a Force Field defender styled after a rubber duckie. XD)

16-Bit Goombas FTW

Friday, September 4th, 2009

Oh YouTube, how I love you…

Would you say I’m a bad person if I said that I always preferred the All-Stars version of SMB1? (And, for that matter, the “upgraded” ports of 2, 3 and World?) I know, YAY 8-BIT LOLZ but for some reason this one just looked better and it’s not like it got that much of a difficulty tweak, if at all (also the addition of World’s sound effects helped!). It made me sad that this version never got released as part of the GBA ports.

Also this needs to not make me imagine a Ragnarok TWILIGHT-themed send-up of the whole freaking Mario franchise. Hell Legion Black Dragons would make convincing Koopa Troopas… (Seriously, we have ’em in the same colors.) Naturally this would also involve Yoshi wearing a goofy padded Yoshi suit and bitching about how she’s soooo NOT transportation. :P

Everything’s better with ninjas– I mean kittens

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

via mother’s YouTube account:

*bat bat bat, bat bat bat*

Chloe is a freaking NINJA.

Semi-related: Kestine needs to stop sniffing my pizza. Those sausage bits are NOT treats. :P