Unfortunately the Justin.tv archive videos will expire in a few days. I’ve got the FLV files looted and they are playable, but I cannot edit them because everyone and their cat is freaking over the lack of audio (VLC screams bloody murder over “LOL undf error”). I did the initial streams without audio since, well, there was nothing worth sending up (aside from, uh, my Pandora Radio stream). I guess in the future I’ll just have to suck it up and let Blastoise stream with audio. :P Of course, future broadcasts will also enable doods to call in and sass it up via Skype~
The following YouTube is the closest approximation to what just went down in my office…
It’s a chilly 34F in Fontana, and it took me much longer than I should have, but Blastoise lives once more. >:D Holy crap, this dude is FAST. And quiet, too! Maximum No-Noise from this dood! Ahh, the power of solid state drives. ♥ A couple of minor snags, though: I cannot for the life of me get his front-side USB 3.0 ports (or rather, ANY of his frontside USB ports) to work. The front-side USB 3.0 plug just will not go into the port on the motherboard, and either I put the USB 2.0 header on the wrong port or… I dunno. But the rear ones work just fine and that’s more than enough for what I need right now. :P Also, there’s no way I can mount this card reader from Blastoise’s old body. Boo! I liked this thing, it saved me from having to plug in my PSP and going into USB mode to swap out/back up save files. So, I’ll have to loot an external card reader, but those are dirt cheap anyhow. Maybe I can toss this internal card reader into Yggdrasil.
As awesome as SSDs are, they do force you to acquire some degree of willpower in terms of what you install. As far as games go, the SSD I have will, uh… WoW and one other game comfortably. (City of Heroes or Skyrim?) Of course, the idea is that you pair ’em off with a large-capacity normal drive, but with normal drive prices still TOO DAMN HIGH, that’s not happening anytime soon. As mentioned in previous entries, Blastoise will just have to rely on Yggdrasil to stream any media I need until normal drive prices return to sane levels.
I blinked into WoW to reconfigure add-ons and make sure the thing runs, and I’m getting no graphical lag. I think I was pulling… 43FPS? Don’t have time to try out 5 mans or anything, but I’m sure Blastoise will be just fine.
One small thing I did lose to the bytes of eternity, however, was my wallpaper (Hikaru and Numair in final equipment), but I like to think that it’s all the more motivation to draw up something fitting of Blastoise’s new body… and quickly. Mmm, Painter… so good to have it usable again. :D
Yessssss. Epic Butthead wins during the Jersey Shore part, by the way. I can’t wait until they “discover” Youtube and, better still, pwn Lady Gaga. AS THEY SHOULD. >:D
Oh hi, OSX Lion? Sometimes I forget I’m a Mac user, too. (Remember Dinah?) Normally when it comes to OS upgrades, I’d jump in with little a second thought, but I can’t say I approve of the whole “iOS-ification” thing that’s going on. Of course, I imagine I can turn most of it off… but otherwise there just isn’t anything in there that says “gib Lion nao.” I’ll loot it eventually, but considering my coin block is running rather low (and damned illness is keeping me from going to Pomona to break out my last Reserve Block)… yeah, I’ll wait on this one.
…Dude. I think I want this game. I hope it sells a freaking mint, too. Why? Because if it does, and if this is any indication… ohh yeah. See where I’m going? >:D
Live from Azeroth: It cannot be said enough that I love playing old man Phil. OLD MAN CAN HEAL or something. To think that about a month ago I was spooked about raid healing because I thought I would screw up and such. Hah! Now, it’s like… the more I play him, the easier it gets. It’s part-gear upgrades, part-experience and part-“no, really, you’re not going to botch it because there’s heal redundancy.”
(…though, the other day I DID solo-heal Patchwerk. I didn’t know until AFTER the boss went down that the other healer got left behind in Ironforge. *blink*)
So I’d piled up enough frost emblems from a late-night ICC 10-man to get the first piece of his tier 10 healer set and… uh… Where’s the “Crimson” in the “Crimson Acolyte Shoulderpads?” (Click on that armory link up there to follow along.) Those shoulders (and the rest of the armor set for that matter) are most definitely not anything resembling red, they’re all fel (demon) green and in-game they have a bit of a yellow glow effect which makes ’em look like puke-green.
Really? Really? Crimson is not puke-green or blue (though the Heroic Sanctified version would look badass on Phil), it is RED. Oddly enough, the normal Sanctified set is indeed red-ish. One out of three ftw, I guess? Still, costume designer dood, did you flunk out of color theory or something? Sheesh.
POKE HER FACE. Lady Gaga gets boo points on the whole (mostly because of the videos– the music itself is tolerable but the videos are so disconnected from the lyrics that the end results break my head), but this is the one exception, and only because Cartman does it SO MUCH BETTER. >:D
I need to remember to watch South Park more consistently. Yes, I can always stream it from the website (and it’s better that way since they aren’t bleeped) but… you get the idea. >_>;
I don’t really call myself a Lady Gaga fan (despite a couple podcasts on TWiT busting out Bad Romance and Poker Face, which are stuck in my head), but I saw this trainwreck of a “parody” linked on the Twitter. And, well…
Really, dood? Putting aside the horrible compression on this (worse than what YouTube is normally capable of, though it looks like it may have been recaptured from another source)… really? So much effort put into what amounts to little more than spiteful taunting. Of course, this comes from Westboro Baptist, so it’d certainly be too much to ask for them to, you know, redirect all that flame-fanning and hate into something more constructive.
I won’t even touch on the severely malformed religious fail in here. *facepalm*
My chair’s support ring is broken. Well, crap. I dropped, like, $150 on this thing and I’ve only had it for a little under 6 months. Hopefully I can get a replacement ring or otherwise get it fixed (I’ve got a giant freaking blue ball to sit on in the meantime, but…). Failing that, I’ma need a lot more pillows, specially a toddler pillow, they are so comfy I love them! :\