Posts Tagged ‘roflcopter’

(Undercooked Ramen) What level is Nancy Pelosi, again?

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Today’s Undercooked Ramen brought to you by playing way too much Disgaea.

…of course, if there are Prinnies involved, this could be a BIT problematic.

Concurrently, things like the above are why this feature is called Undercooked Ramen. :P The glory of half-baked ideas~

(Undercooked Ramen) TIME PARADOX

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

If you would indulge me a “crazy fangirl” moment here…

I was checking Twitter earlier and find one of my favorite VAs live-tweeting from Medieval Times*… and mentions of mead and iPhones led to this Undercooked Ramen piece:


…which, of course, I tweeted just for the hell of it. But when I came back upstairs, I find this sitting in the buffer:

“@ayarane and that’s exactly what I looked like!”


I know. It’s extremely trivial and I swear I’m trying not to read too much into it but…. at the same time, there are no WORDS to describe the level of amusement. It’s greater than ROFLCOPTER. I was only half-thinking when I scrawled that Undercooked piece (only ehough to address “dude, did I get his hair right?”) and yet… oh wow.

Neo is TOTALLY going to throw the envy satellite at me in the morning XD

* Dude, one of my few remaining memories of elementary school entailed all of the first graders going to Medieval Times for a field trip. I can STILL remember the teachers telling everyone to stfu and stop chanting “Black and White!” but nobody listened. XD I recall getting a black and white paper crown, too.

(LJ version: this SO gets Kitestamped. XD)

(WIP) There’s SAND on my Flea Vest!

Saturday, August 15th, 2009

After sitting for nearly a year in the Ramen queue, I finally get around to this gem…

After Hikaru crashes literally at Typheros’ doorstep, said ninja steps out to see WTF just happened. Never mind the dragon-sized crater (not seen, but it’ll have to be drawn eventually for lulz), or people scattered everywhere in varying states of sandy burial, he happens upon a pajama-fied pair of legs sticking out of the sand and plucks her out by the ankle….

Typheros: >_>;

Oh, and don’t mind Numair in the corner. Awful, AWFUL Super Mario 64 reference waiting to happen. (Try diving headfirst into sand or snow if you haven’t. “Oof!”)

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Double Feature!

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

As promised, a Ramen double-hitter.

First up, the sequel to May’s Pundit Brawl, Pundit Kart!
Because, you know, I’m a naughty liberal and worse still, there’s nothing like solving political and pundit-related conflicts with VIDEO GAMES.
Once again, Team MSNBC (represented by Rachel Maddow) takes on Team Fox News (represented by Gretchen Carlson). I want that Rubber Duckie Couch so badly. The real funny, of course, is in the onlookers.

I think I turned David Shuster into Charlie Brown… which is more amusing than it really should be. Yeah, you eat that popcorn, Shu-bot! :P

This was a little late in being publicly posted on regular Ayarane Project; for the time being, political art goes on dA and the two political comms I frequent first. I have also elected not to post WIPs of those here as a courtesy to some of my more conservative peers, since it seems like I’d just be rocking the boat more than necessary. Still, ramen is ramen, and these pieces are really more about the silliness of people in large groups.

Speaking of which…

Elves are NOT Watermelons.
Seriously, they aren’t. Of course, Haruko = too drunk to tell the difference. (Or is she?)

Numair, against his better judgement, let Chelsea and Velan bury him in sand for lulz. (Probably, Velan baited him with cookies.) This, of course, is a ginormous trap in the form of a boozed-up blindfolded Haruko wielding a stick. And poor Hikaru, even on vacation she is still having to be the sole responsible adult in a guild full of crazy people. (You would think the likes of Deeum and Nemesis would be, too, but they booze it up like the rest of ’em. Rineas is too much of an assmunch to care, and Old Lady Kit may LOOK normal but she’s just as bad as Velan in terms of “doing it for the lulz.” :P)

Obvious joke is OBVIOUS

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

The Dow, it’s OVER 9,000?!

You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to say that, as much as I thought it was lame-o the first time around. >_>;;
Watch it close just under 9k just to spite me! :P