If you would indulge me a “crazy fangirl” moment here…
I was checking Twitter earlier and find one of my favorite VAs live-tweeting from Medieval Times*… and mentions of mead and iPhones led to this Undercooked Ramen piece:

…which, of course, I tweeted just for the hell of it. But when I came back upstairs, I find this sitting in the buffer:
“@ayarane and that’s exactly what I looked like!”
I know. It’s extremely trivial and I swear I’m trying not to read too much into it but…. at the same time, there are no WORDS to describe the level of amusement. It’s greater than ROFLCOPTER. I was only half-thinking when I scrawled that Undercooked piece (only ehough to address “dude, did I get his hair right?”) and yet… oh wow.
Neo is TOTALLY going to throw the envy satellite at me in the morning XD
* Dude, one of my few remaining memories of elementary school entailed all of the first graders going to Medieval Times for a field trip. I can STILL remember the teachers telling everyone to stfu and stop chanting “Black and White!” but nobody listened. XD I recall getting a black and white paper crown, too.
(LJ version: this SO gets Kitestamped. XD)