Posts Tagged ‘obamalicious’

(WIP) Wrong on so many levels XD

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Man, the last time I drew politicians was, like… 8 years ago? And that was Gore slugging Bush in the boxing ring.

That said…

Super Smash Senators Brawl

Split panel, obviously… may do a third (in the lower left corner, under Biden) of all four of them on their curved couches in front of a giant-ass TV.

Because, you know, this NEEDS to happen on Election Night. XD Get both tickets, put ’em on stage and broadcast them slugging it out in Brawl, LIVE. (Well, I suppose turning them loose in Mario Kart would work, too. But I think Brawl would be funnier.)

Let me back up a bit… I was originally going to scribble all four of them as if they were characters IN Smash Bros., but no matter how many times I hacked at the wireframing, it just looked really goofy. So, the fallback plan was to draw everyone PLAYING brawl… which, naturally, meant figuring out what controller type they would use, and everything that goes with it. Obama and McCain get Wiimotes+nunchuks (and the latter just seems so clueless about how to operate it), Biden gets a Classic Controller and looks all amused with himself, and Palin with her GameCube controller just looks like she’s having a blast, no matter what the outcome.

Oh hi, 4am. Maybe I should think about sleeping now. But, holy crap, this ramen is going to be several thousand kinds of hilarity. XD I hope I can finish this before Tuesday!

I know I tend to Mario-cize a lot of things, but…. XD

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Thwomp The Vote XD;
Funny, I’d have thought they’d link Sarah Palin to Peach rather than Daisy.
And LAWL @ Toadsworth as Joe Biden. Wow, I’d have never thought to make that comparison.

I STILL think that the elections need to culminate with a 2vs2 Brawl. DOO EET. Pretty please?

In other news… with the evil stepfather retired, I don’t have to actually head to the library until about 4:30. Much as I like having those couple of hours where I don’t even have to think about wiggly puppies or raging drama queens or what have you (out of sight, out of mind!), it’s also nice to not wake up at noon and be all “OH CRAP MUST GET READY NOOOOW” and such. (Of course, I should probably not be sleeping in to noon as is…) Of course, all this is out the window as of Tuesday. Maybe. >_>;

Ah, here comes Kestine to claim his napping spot next to the window. Silly orange furball…


Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

I'm Barack Obama and I approve this future cheezburger.

Lolcats, loldogs (why yes, there’s such a thing)… now lolpolitics? XD

I should probably go finish coloring that second halloween pic… And I sooooo did not just wake up 10 minutes ago, nope!

Apparently, slow Yoshi is SLOW.

Sunday, October 26th, 2008

DMV says I drive hella slow. Racked up too many minor speed infractions (as in, not driving fast enough) and it ends with THANK YOU COME AGAIN. :P

Well, at least this time I got punted because of something I can fix, as opposed to those damned clerical errors.

So I run upstairs to go book attempt #4… oh hi, I have to wait 24 hours before I can book, because apparently DMV SERVERS ARE SLOWER THAN ME in flushing old appointment data out of the system. Damn. They punt me for driving too slow, but they can’t even purge my appointment data without having to take an entire day? Yeesh.

Yeah. I need a “D’oh!” button.

Now for some Obama lulz. Indeed, much lulz was had at this one charity dinner in which he and McCain roasted each other (AND themselves). Now, bias aside, I think Obama’s speech was funnier (I now want that “super Obama” shirt that I saw advertised on Facebook) but McCain had his moments too. :P