Posts Tagged ‘obamalicious’

Epic Victory is EPIC.

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

This is so beautiful. It’s just this… massive roar of sheer JOY.

As much as I loved Obama’s speech, I’d have to say that this was my favorite election moment. Just these five minutes of seeing all these happy people. I don’t know if we’ll ever see anything on this scale of awesome again. Savor it for all it’s worth.

Speaking of savor… I’m hungry and I put off dinner so I could watch all this play out. >_>;

I, for one, welcome our new Democratic overlords.

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

*gives Barack Obama a Smash Ball*


(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Vote for BRAWL!

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Super Smash Senators Brawl
Click for fullview.

So, here we are. I said I’d have this done by Election Day (and it technically IS), and I did it. :P

I’ve already said what’s needed to be in the screencap posts, but I just have to make this final note about McCain– the way I colored him… doesn’t it actually make him look more like Leslie Nielsen? XD;;; (That wouldn’t be a bad actor pick if there was a movie made about the election, just like everyone says that Will Smith should play Obama…)

And now… time for bed.

(WIP) Brawls we believe in

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Now it's inked.
So… hello, inked Senator Brawl.

Why yes, Obama IS wearing an 8-bit tie and Palin’s got some Goomba earrings. (Now, whether or not Goomba earrings actually exist… that’s anyone’s guess.) And, hell, if I’d drawn McCain’s head any wider, he’d freaking turn into Bush. o.O;

Also, I’d like to say that inking the hairlines on dudes with white hair is a PAIN. I may just erase them in the final product.

But yes, this is going to be hilarious at the end. Hopefully I can blitz at least the Obama/Biden side of the paint job tomorrow.

On spreading the Senator Brawl

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

This is old news for those who either donated or are otherwise following the Obama campaign, but his crew’s going to tap some of his recent supporters (read: donors) to get front-row seats for his end-of-election event. Despite the fact that even if by some fluke of the universe I get picked, I’d have to decline on account of my drive test, I donated anyway >_>; (Well, I was meaning to make a second donation for awhile… why not?)

While bumming around in CoH, there was some talk about this, and some players who had seen my screencap of the Senator Brawl pic were all “omg if you’re picked, you HAVE to take that pic with you, even if it’s not finished!”


Welp, at the very least, I should post a link to the finished Ramen piece on the Obama Facebook wall, and the Obama HQ blog in addition to my usual locales. Even though people SOMEHOW find excuses to get up-in-arms about anything related to politics…. Senator Brawl, now that I think about it, is less a political commentary and more innocent speculation about what would happen if both tickets played Brawl. Basically, I’m just transplanting everyone’s personalities and circumstances into this hypothetical situation of them playing some Smash Bros.; I have to consider what control method they use, for one thing, and from the responses I’ve gotten so far, it looks like I’m spot on.

It has also been suggested I add in a small plate with a half-eaten slice of sweet potato pie.

I was gonna make dinner before I go ink this thing, but mother ran off and left Evil Stepfather here… and the kitchen is STILL a mess, and there’s pretty much no table room anyway, so the “summon Papa Johns” button gets pressed now. Evil Stepfather can compliment my driving all he wants, but I’m still not subjecting myself to his evil eye, or the whims of wiggly biting puppies alone.