Posts Tagged ‘food’

Why I hit the Mario Kart-brand randomizer block

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Argh I hate planning stuff out really far in advance. In this case, determining a queue for who goes next on cards, because I’m sure to change my mind a lot.

That said, here is a list of who’s left in terms of status card stuff. I reserve the right to NOT go in order! :P
Those who are grouped together don’t share a card, it’s just that I internally lump them together and I’m slightly less likely to jump around until the other half of the pair is finished.

Cal + Nimue
Golgi (1st and Angel) + Centromere
Spoony + Gildward
Fyfe + Kupo/Profolyx
Old Lady Kit
Commander Ezelton

(In other news, I wish there really was a Mario Kart randomizer block widget, complete with the sound. Even if it didn’t really do anything. I just want one I can throw in my Vista sidebar so I can click on it whenever I want.)

For lulz, using my last can of Pillsbury pizza dough I decided to see if I could recreate some form of cheesy bread not unlike what you’d find at, say, Little Caesar’s. (Their normal pizza is borderline-meh, but holy crap their cheesy bread is so damn tasty.) And holy hell it was not only edible, but it’s probably something I’d do again. o_o Sprinkled a little bit of olive oil on the dough before piling on the cheese, then after baking I added parmesan cheese powder on top. OMNOMNOMNOM.

Sodas and ninjas

Thursday, February 26th, 2009

I have Dinah back. And ohgod I’m so glad I renewed her warranty… she got sent to HP and they ended up replacing her entire lid, and on the invoice it said that without the warranty I would have had to pay almost $800. @_@ But now she has a new lid and everything that comes with it (for some reason I notice it more in the screws, they’re black rather than silver), and even her keyboard area got cleaned up. :D

And not that I thought it would come to it, but all her data’s still there. The Geek Squad clerk that brought out Dinah was squeeing over my Chiyo-kitty wallpaper and she wanted to know if she could loot it to her flash drive. XD;

So now I’m here, Dinah’s plugged back in and patching stuff (Windows Update, CoH, etc.) and I have tasty Jack in the Box. Omnomnom. Rineas’ status card is sketched, just need to ink and color that fool.

And yes it really did take me 2 hours to finish writing this post. I blame big yellow furballs constantly batting at stuff on my desk. :P

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Double Feature

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

Hi, my internets have been down since Monday. I totally blame Aeth for this outage. That said, I did manage to clear… TWO pieces of Ramen. Behold…

Some would say it’s almost scary how much politics has leaked into Ramen. >_>;
I don’t know. I see an opportunity and if the potential for lulz is great enough, I go for it.
I recall, during the inauguration coverage on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow was gushing over the presidential limo, and one thing led to another and next thing I know I’m sketching this thing. Somehow I managed to not butcher the other two, yet at the same time whack them with the anime stick. (I like to think that Chris Matthews is the Velan of MSNBC… when he does that “HAH!” he totally gets XD face.)

Why yes, this is the MSNBC/politics version of the Yukarimobile scenes in Azumanga Daioh. In hindsight… if I were evil enough, I’d have put in whats-his-face, the dude who’s the substitute host for Countdown when Keith Olbermann’s out. Oh yeah. He’d make the perfect standin for “traumatized Chiyo.” XD

Anywho…. NEXT:

Kit’s Episode 0 FE Bromide!
Originally drew it so I’d have something to stick on her wiki entry.
Yes, her ultimate body armor (Robe of Jurai) is pretty much a pink version of the robes that Pretty Sammy wears. I can’t remember if this was by request of Neo or if I thought he’d be hella-amused by it… probably both.

We’ve plumbers all over the house. There’s a leak somewhere under the master bedroom. x.x
Since this means nobody can really cook and such while they’re here… pizza! Omnomnom.

Of course, mother’s all “OMG MUST CLEAN,” which is scary for me since I’m, uh, hiding a freshly-repaired Synergy in my room. (Finally got her to boot yesterday, about damn time. Seems her original GeForce got fried, and I didn’t realize that when I meant to swap in mine for testing I kept putting in the dead one. A bonehead is me.) Actually, it makes me nervous when she cleans nearby my room to begin with… not so much dangerous intrusion into my personal space (which, with all these damn puppies, I have almost NONE of), but for some reason it gives her license to shred me for whatever the hell she feels like, and most of the time it REALLY isn’t called for, and then she yells at me more because I stress her out by being a bad person that causes her to pick some offense out of a hat to shred me over. WTF.

Also… Chrono Trigger DS.
Finally got New Game+. The extra dungeons are okay (I like the Dimensional Vortex slightly more).
I’ve not tried out the “new” final boss yet… might save that one for a future cycle. >_>;

Writer’s Block: Table for One

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Do you ever go out to dinner (at a sit-down restaurant) by yourself?

View other answers

That depends on what you mean by “restaurant.” If it’s the likes of, say, Jack in the Box… yeah, I’ve done that a couple times, though not so much as of late.

Oh, you said “sit-down.” I’m so observant today. But, screw it, I’ll leave it there. Anywho…

I’ve did this once, and it was RIGHT after I took the A+ exam. When mother dropped me off, she gave me money and told me to find someplace to eat if I finished the exam before she and Evil Stepfather got back from the movies. There were some restaurants within short walking distance from the test center, but Denny’s was the only one I was either familiar with or cared for.

It wasn’t so much lonely as it was a wee bit odd. I notice that if I’m eating alone I’m more likely to look around at what other people are up to… and I feel like I’m staring or being nosy. ^_^; I think this might explain why I obsessively haul my laptop and such with me (or fiddle with my phone or DS) if I’m out and about alone. I suppose the low-tech version of this is people bringing a book or magazine.

Speaking of food… today is Jack Tuesday rather than Pizza Tuesday. And, uh, they gave me a Sourdough Jack instead of the Ultimate Cheeseburger, but, dammit, I’m hungry and I’m already home. Omnomnomnom and such. Then probably some more Chrono Trigger DS, I suppose. Really, guys, I’m trying to clear stuff out of my games queue. >_>

I should really finish that “Joyriding with Rachel Maddow” pic, too…


Sunday, February 1st, 2009

Because it must be said every year:

Screw you, Super Bowl. Puppy Bowl ftw! I mean, I’m not a fan of our Four… or rather, Five Pups of the Apocalypse (we’ve taken in Evil Stepfather’s mother’s chihuahua because she’s in the hospital, most likely on the long-term), but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy two hours of cute puppies playing in a football stadium-styled enclosure.

Of course, my favorite part’s the Kitty Half-Time Show >_>;


Mother and Evil Stepfather have run off again without telling me where they’re going. Especially odd considering the ogre has a bunch of munchies on standby for Super Bowl.

A bit frustrating… I don’t exactly need permission to go to House Cantlay (but avoiding questions is another matter altogether, since mother doesn’t quite get that Bren need not be there in order for me to go over), but I at least let her know when I’m leaving and keep my phone on while I’m out. Sheesh. -.-;

Also it looks like Mr. Cantlay (I’m sorry, I just can’t bring myself to address him or his wife by name… putting aside the double-entendre for Mr. Cantlay… well, I wasn’t exactly RAISED to be polite to “neutral yet socially-superior” adults, it was just something I picked up along the way I suppose) confirmed the “bad case wiring” theory about Synergy– one of the power wires had snapped off so he soldered it back on. Now, we won’t know if that actually fixes the booting issue until I can get over there, and all morning I was all “FFFFFF MUST COME UP WITH AN EXCUSE TO GO OVER THERE” until I realized that mother and Evil Stepfather ran off somewhere. Too late to contact House Cantlay to rescind the “delay until Monday” order, too.

Puppy Bowl!