Posts Tagged ‘wtf’

Ghosts in the Television

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

It’s June 1. Today my awesome new TV gets here, and there shall be much happiness because this means Yggdrasil gets his head back, and I can use my PS3 and Wii again. :D :D :D

In the meantime, join me in a bit of WTF in the form of Ghostbusters Pachinko:

On one hand, how badass does this look? I wish this was an actual video game as opposed to a video-enhanced pachinko machine. It’d be pretty freaking awesome on the Wii! (Similarly, this is giving me major flashbacks of Luigi’s Mansion.)
On the other hand… epic, EPIC FAIL for omitting Winston. Dude. He was AWESOME. :( And yet this just pretends he never existed.
I don’t want to jump to the “racefail” card off the bat, but… yeah, WTF Japan? o_O

Writer’s Block: Too scary!!

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Was there something you were afraid of as a child that just seems silly to you now?

Submitted By [info]hamburger

View 1506 Answers

Promise right now you won’t laugh at me. >_>;
I saw this topic pop up on TweetDeck and against my better judgment I’m going for it. And, well… they say music can evoke memories…

We travel back in time to when I was about 5 years old. And back then, not only did VH1 and MTV actually air these things called “music videos” but they were actually kind of awesome. For some reason, I remember being glued to these channels marginally more than cartoons and such even though, like, 90% of the lyrics made no sense to me at the time. I think it was all about the visuals.

And then, uh, I saw this:

In my 5 year old mind, this video scared the SMOO out of me; I was all “oh shit, George Michael is going to freaking jump out of the TV and EAT ME” (not in those exact words but you get the idea) because he looked all pissed off. Again, at the time the lyrics were nonsense to me but, dood, take it from the perspective of a 5 year old kid and you’d be spooked out of your mind, too!

And apparently it was so bad that I had actually blocked it out of my mind for, like, 19 years until one day when I was in the car and the song came on mother’s XM radio. GEE THANKS, memory repression… thing. I have all this stuff I’d like to either forget or block out for all eternity and instead of anything out of there, you go and suppress a memory of a freaking George Michael video.

W. T. F. XD

There’s a couple other stupidly-spooky relics that still linger in spookiness. Like… the Lavos screech in Chrono Trigger. No, wait, worse than that, that synthesized “breathing” sound you hear while inside his shell* and gets louder the closer you get to the core. Holy crap that’s just… no. DO NOT WANT. Thankfully EVERY version of Chrono Trigger has the “sound glitch;” loading the menu kills the breathing sound.

* I’ve always wondered where EXACTLY you’re wandering through. Graphics-wise, it resembles a watery cave. In most instances, you’re entering from that hole where Lavos’ head used to be… but my brother claims you’re actually climbing up Lavos’ butt. That’s not ENTIRELY unreasonable…

This is not a hint.

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Dear internet, I am not being a naughty Instant Ramen artist and working on something awesome without as much as posting WIPs on the blog.

…pay no attention to that open Painter window with an open PSD file inside… >_>;;;

(Totally lying through my teeth here. I have my reasons! Some of you are privy to what I’m cooking up, though– and would certainly know not to leak, ESPECIALLY on the twitter machine… *eyes [info]neophoenixte* Playing Lunar may have derailed me JUUUUUST a tad, but I finished the line art on this secret ramen that is FULL OF WIN a few minutes ago and I hope to have this thing colored and posted by tomorrow evening. Taking a break and posting this non-hint while I nom on dinner.)

♥, Yoshi

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Pancakealypse 2010

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

(LJ Edition: *equips the “Naughty Etna” icon*)

Dear internet, this is why you do not taunt Cthulhu Yoshi’s Imagination:

National Pancake Day PANCAKEALYPSE 2010!!!1
(OST: Dramatic Chipmunk)

♥, Yoshi the Painter Twitterazzi (or is it Twitter Painterazzi? Which one rolls off the tongue better?) and worst fangirl EVER.


Not even my voice actor idols are spared from the wrath of my tablet.
So apparently it was National Pancake Day at IHOP and when these doods tweeted from there and one of them mentioned eating his pancakes with his hands, the above image came to mind. Never mind that IHOP actually gives you just a small stack of 3 pancakes or that I actually had no idea what they were wearing, this HAD to be drawn.

It’s, like… you see an opportunity for lulz, you know the other guy’s going to be cool with it… I had to go for it. Really. It was SO ON.

UPDATE @ 11:10pm:
This calls for some FF4 victory theme. *adds yet another new tag: yoshi wins*
UPDATE @ 11:14pm:
DOUBLE VICTORY. What is this, I don’t even…. XD!

Treasure Box, Part 1

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

And the Amazon loot starts coming in…

Logitech QuickCam Orbit AF, or as I like to call it, the “Eyeball on a Stick”
Plantronics .Audio 655 USB headset
– Netgear Gigabit ethernet switch

The switch is to migrate Yggdrasil and the Slingbox over to wired mode (because surely they will do much, MUCH better than on wifi as they are right now… not to mention the screencaps I do for the daily Countdown threads on [info]olberfanns will be of better quality since I’ll have a better bitrate on the video stream). I should probably switch them over soon… like, after I post this. >_>;

The webcam and headset… both were, for one thing, highly recommended by the TWiT overlords, which made deciding on specific models much easier. That aside, this also officially renders me Skype-capable! (Well, any video chat, really… but I favor Skype because it’s so widely used compared to others.) On top of that, I also like how Blastoise considers my headset a separate sound card, so I can redirect things like Skype/TS there and leave everything else alone.

This isn’t the end of the loot train, though. I still need to pick up a new mouse since the one I have now has a broken scrollwheel, not to mention it likes to think I double-click EVERYTHING. I’d rather plunk the coins to get a nice, high-quality mouse than pay the $70+ that Wacom is asking for a replacement tablet mouse. Also under consideration is a Logitech diNovo Mini keyboard to put on Yggdrasil, as his current keyboard is actually meant for use on a PS3 and lacks backlighting. >_>;

So, drama about Jay and Conan, huh…?
I’ve a bit of an oddball suggestion on how to fix this:

Move Jay to the internet. You heard me.

Why not? He already has an online-only series (his Garage thing). Sure, the ad revenue won’t be nearly as nice compared to TV, but NBC’s streaming video’s otherwise done very well since they started it up, not to mention syndication to Hulu/ (hopefully Comcast doesn’t go mucking with that if their buyout goes through), and Jay could still pull in viewers on name recognition.

In all honesty, Jay’s long past his prime and should have retired when he had the chance, but if he still wants to stay around without Conan (and, subsequently, Jimmy Fallon) getting screwed over hardcore, I’d think that moving Jay to the internet would be the best, albeit highly-unconventional option.

I can’t really see Conan joining Fox anyway. I’m not even sure WHY Fox would want him… it looks like a nice deal on the surface, but when you consider the inner workings, I don’t think it would really work out. Part of me wonders if Fox would actually use this as a back door to get Conan to write for the Simpsons again, that’s the only connection I could see…

Anywho, time to do the switchover, which means I gotta pull Blastoise off the LAN for a few minutes. Wee~