Posts Tagged ‘wtf’

You Have To Get Out Sometime

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

I’m not near either of my tablets, so you’ll have to use your imagination for this:
Yoshi and [info]brendala doing the whole Yukarimobile “HELL YEAH” thing (in this case, I would be the Tomo of the two).

…I lie, that didn’t actually happen, but it’s still fun to think about. Really, I was more of the GPS chick. (I swear, the thing that it’s mounted on is like a freaking microphone boom.)

ANYWAY: Haaaaaai Montclair.

Sadly, with its anime store gone, Montclair Plaza’s sole appeal to me (well, aside from Sbarro’s) is pretty much Gamestop. And even then… I dunno, I thought I’d go snapping up games (which is why I held off on doing so via Amazon) but I just wasn’t feeling it today.

My having no stamina at all and a badly stubbed toe from a couple days ago (as in, enough to have drawn blood; I banged my left index toe while stumbling out of the bathroom in the dark, I didn’t know I’d drawn blood until I later woke up to Kestine LICKING IT, wtf) kinda made getting around a little oof, too. Well, my fault, there. Concurrently, even though I had to rest several times, I did, you know, actually get to walk around a bit. do I still get points?

Actually, I think the best part was probably slacking at Panera. (Side note: the shells and cheese? OMNOMNOMNOM.) Do not underestimate the power of awesome low-key lighting and free wi-fi. I’d brought Dinah with me, but I ended up using my iPod Touch instead.

So… yeah, a Yoshi went out today. And again tomorrow, though tomorrow’s trip is slightly more SRS BSNS because it involves an eye appointment and then new glasses. However, that also means I get to dump these Xbox-sized Ralph Laurens, finally. Not that they were bad glasses– I happen to like huge lenses– but holy crap they just cannot stay on my face if I as much as look down. I hate nose guards but I’d rather deal with them if it means the glasses will, you know, stay on.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Win and awesome. I like the “3D” Mario installments but sometimes you just have to sidescroll it.
Though I must again register my protest of using not one, but TWO generic Toads. WTF, Nintendo. Would it have killed you to use THE Toad and Toadette? Or better still, *Yoshi* and Toadette? (Yoshi as a mount is nice… except for the fact that you cannot keep him between levels and he’s only in a few of them, which is sad because he is just ridiculously adorable here.) Or, better still, include Wario as an option?
Anywho, if you want fun in a can, you’ll pick this up. Especially if you liked the DS version.
Eventually I’ll have to tinker with multiplayer, oh yes…

Into Tomorrow

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

2009 = bah. Maybe 2010 might fail less.

Resolutions? Screw that. Resolutions are poo. HOKEY PILES OF POO.
Seriously, they’re just attention-seeking statements of grandiose things you want to do. You end up botching them, and it makes you look like some two-bit flake who can’t keep your word. So, don’t bother with them! Let what comes, come… and if you screw up, at least you don’t look as stupid as you would have if you resolve to do THIS EPIC THING.

I would have gone out today but I had to cancel because the router kept crashing hardcore and mother decided that enough was enough and it was time to switch it out. Now we have a D-Link that is actually a little faster and overall much more stable. The previous router was a Linksys that had just come out when Wireless-N had gone into beta… yeah, that was quite awhile ago. Probably some of the internal pieces had gone south… I don’t know. The D-Link I’d swapped in is supposedly optimized for use with streaming video, which in theory should be nice considering we have Slingboxes and Rokus and such all over. Still, I’ma try to migrate stuff onto ethernet where possible to lessen the wireless congestion (not to mention that Gigabit ethernet is sexy).

My previous driver permit resets next week. Good riddance. I was saved to Rancho Cucamonga before, but I’ll restart at Fontana– madhouse it may be, at least their clerks aren’t as pithy. >_>;
Thankfully it appears mother has backpedaled on her “MY WAY OR NO WAY” stance in regards to training, YAY. I never wanted her sticking her fingers in this to begin with since she cranks up the stress and drama by a billion (and she has this thing about blabbing everything to Evil Stepfather, wtf).
I WILL have my Yoshi Car in my full possession this year. It would be nice if I could pull it off before Yoshi Day, but so as long as this ends with me walking out with my full license…

There will be one, maybe two more Snowschemes, though they’ll be more about FUN WITH SNOW.
Mayhaps a piece for Crimson Day (Jan. 25), too… bwahahaha~

Broken heater = best time to shower is before 3pm (noon-3 is when the house is warmest due to THE SUN).
This is important, I don’t take well to sudden temperature shifts AT ALL. x_x I already feel kinda icky and even one instance of temperature whiplash could… well, at the very least it would be a totally miserable experience.

Chilly Writer’s Block

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009

Do you think society puts too much pressure on people to be in relationships and/or have children? Do you think this ostracizes people who would be perfectly content to remain single and/or child-free? Is this pressure worse around the holidays?

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Yes. And quite frankly, they can go eff themselves.

I have never wanted children because of the barely-not-considered-abuse-but-sure-as-hell-feels-like-it that continues to haunt me. Not only have I never felt I had anything to offer a child, I often catch myself having horrible thoughts I dare not repeat here when I see or hear children…. even if it’s on TV. Mother used to “bingo” me about the subject of children before but she has since accepted that I will not change my mind (which partially explains her going overboard with pets– not only are they meant to replace me and my siblings, but also the grandkids that never will be).

Also as horrible as this sounds… I have an aversion to pregnant women and new mothers. Among other things I don’t feel like mentioning here, they tend to look upon me like I’m a bad person, someone to be avoided, as if my presence could be toxic to their offspring. Maybe they’re right. But, it goes both ways… A small part of me can’t help but wonder if they will fall for the easily-sprung trap that awaits them, the one in which they lose their personalities and become so absorbed in their children that they themselves just disappear. I find the prospect of that frightening beyond words. I have enough existential crises as is, I don’t want another one.

As for relationships…. no more, barring a miracle that I’ve lost hope in. I’ve failed too many times and been worn down too much to even want to try again. I just don’t have the will to do it anymore. Every time I failed it’s like more and more of me dies off and sinks into the abyss… and I’m only 25. Not to mention, who the hell (beyond chubby-chasers) could look upon me without being driven to revulsion?

I realize this is all the talk of someone with no backbone and no self-confidence and that a good chunk of it can be disregarded as such, but is there not some truth to it as well? That if there is no desire and the potential for worse things, maybe it’s safer to abstain? I mean, shit, I get weird looks if I as much as admit to liking a celebrity or something… it’s like people think it’s bizarre for me to even have those thoughts (or weirder yet, they think I’m a lesbian because I simply do not talk about having any interest in men– but at the same time, that’s better than being made fun of or worse if they knew otherwise…).

So, relationships and children… no. Do not want. I would rather live quietly with my cats. Go forth and propagate as you will, I’ll have no part of it.

I like cold weather but this is absurd. Blastoise is unusable as a Ramen machine because his room is too damn cold. So I’m on Iggy, bundled up in 2 cloaks and 3 blankets (and it turns out our heater really IS broken and not mother BSing it as she has previously done), trying to thaw enough to do much other than watch TV. Tempted to wake Dinah just to use her as a hand-warmer, FFS. x_x

I ported the Snowscheme PSD over to Iggy in case I thaw enough to color the current WIP. Brr.

Aw smoo, there’s a new patch for WoW today? Must defrost so I can patch. Gah!

Trolling for Peanuts

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

So I went downstairs to get food and while on standby, I watched A Boy Named Charlie Brown. Now, I like Peanuts as much as the next guy but like a lot of things I saw as a kid, it was a completely different experience to revisit it as an adult.

Let me preface with this: Compared to the TV series and specials, the movies are quite a bit more SERIOUS BUSINESS and this one was all kinds of f’d up. It is often said that Snoopy, Come Home is the most depressing of the movies… hell no! That one had a happy ending, this was more or less the Peanuts version of End of Evangelion!

Really, this one was 90-ish minutes of just about EVERYONE trolling poor Charlie Brown (and that eventually includes Linus… and he’s supposed to be the dude’s BFF?!), and this is on top of his own self-loathing and depression. They suddenly become nice to him when he starts doing things right and then turn on him when the pressure becomes too much and he bombs the last word at the Radio City finals… wow. One must wonder how much worse the fallout would be if this played out today. Lucy would totally be at home among the /b/-tards. >:P

(Actually, weren’t there honest-to-god research papers and stuff written to that effect? I know there was one analysis done that says that Schroeder is most likely gay. I’m pretty sure that was mentioned on MetaFilter quite awhile back…)

And the takeaway message from everything that happened is “okay, the world didn’t end… but you’re going to fail all over again tomorrow, sucker!”

“Way to overthink it, Yoshi,” you might be thinking. And I may very well be. But give it a spin if you haven’t seen it for awhile. All the stupidly-amusing sequences involving Snoopy aside, you’ll probably find yourself doing a bit of double-takes, too!

I nodded off on the couch and it’s too late now to boot up Blastoise.

Now let’s try that again…

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

SO. I swapped out Yggdrasil’s motherboard. Save for his optical drive, the old man box now has pretty much new parts across the board– new mobo/CPU/RAM, new hard drive, new video card, new PSU. I’ve not carried him back down the hall to my room yet, giving my fingers a chance to rest a bit (relatively speaking– typing is nothing compared to mucking with teeny-tineh front panel wires and things). I’m not going to say “no reason he shouldn’t boot” because I know if I do, I’ll be back here dragging a giant squiggly-line ball and ranting about… who-knows-what. So, I won’t jinx myself there >_>;;;

Smart Yoshi is SMART, though, and did all the front panel wiring and crap before putting the mobo in the case. And I am so glad I did, because it would have been an extremely murderous thing for my fat fingers to do if I did that stuff last. However, due to cable hell… er… the placement of certain things is a little unflattering– Iggy’s mobo is only bolted in with one screw (his case only came with one riser and I don’t have any spares in my pouch of extras) and his hard drive is propped up against one of the rails, but so as long as I don’t jiggle him around– why would I, he’s a bloody DESKTOP– then there shouldn’t be any problems. >_>;

Also: AMD! I love you and I jumped ship from Intel for you but you get fail points on the design of the heatsink that came with the Athlon X2 I’m using. What the bloody SMOO are these bronze-looking pipe… things for? They make it a pain to latch in the clasps on the mobo. Boo. BOOOOO.

You know who else warrants a boo? Microsoft. I know, it’s always hip to hate on Microsoft for just about everything… and while I’m normally indifferent to them, they’re really being dumbasses about Windows 7 licensing when they are better off shutting up and being grateful that its launch didn’t blow up in its face. First it was being vague about using upgrade media for clean installs, and now it seems they don’t like small-fry, hobbyist system builders like me who buy OEM versions of Windows because it’s cheaper than retail. See this gem:

Yes, individuals can still buy OEM versions of Windows 7. But they cannot then install that copy of Windows 7 on a PC they are building for themselves. Instead, they can only install it on a PC that they then sell–and support–to someone else. And they must do so using Microsoft’s OEM pre-installation kit (OPK), a step that is clearly aimed at further preventing this type of software from being used by the hobbyist market.

What the crap, Microsoft? You might as well just say “CHEATER CHEATER PUMPKIN EATER, YOU DIDN’T GIVE US ENOUGH COINS.” Well, eff that. I’m a system builder– not for profit, mind you, and often at my own expense– and though I did use retail copies of 7 because they were so ludicrously cheap, I will continue to buy OEM whenever I build new boxes. Here is your Wario hat, have a nice day.

If you’ll excuse me, I’ve an old man to piggyback down the hall.