Posts Tagged ‘wip’

(WIP) Cupcake, dood

Monday, July 19th, 2010

O HI. What rubbish is this? I’m drawing again? O_O
Wireframe for my end of a trade with [info]dmscv, who did this piece of awesome.
Prinnies are useful for so many things… weapons, furniture, delivery of tasty cupcakes (that are also prinny-themed). Demon Sarah is pleased. :3

I want cupcakes now.

(WIP) I can has Excaliburger?

Friday, April 9th, 2010

Dood. DOOD. Shiny horns are shiny!

…I dunno, I got nothing.

(WIP) Azure Horns

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

This started off as being just another general Ramen piece of Hikaru-brand badassery (because she has so many fanboys and this amuses me greatly) and now I’m thinking this may replace her original FE Bromide which, compared to others, is a little bland. Especially considering FE Bromides are supposed to be a “blatant display of awesomeness in ultimate equipment.” We’ll see!

Also I think one of Deeum’s bromides needs to involve nomming on Peeps.

Speaking of OM NOM NOM… today is Wednesday. Wings Wednesday at Pizza Hut, specifically. You know where this is going. >:D
Though… Pizza Hut, while you’re at it, think you could make a day for discount P’zones, too? I know, there isn’t a day of the week that starts with P, which would throw off the theme you have going with Tuscani Tuesday and Wings Wednesday. Hm. Maybe Sundays? Let’s see… P’zone Sunday. It… sort of works! :P

(WIP) Ships DO grow on trees!

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

…or do trees grow on ships?

I don’t usually draw mecha or air/spacecraft (even though I burned away WAY too many weekends assembling such things out of Lego bricks as a kid) but… I don’t know. I must have been browsing the /mecha/ board on Wakachan and next thing I know, Painter’s open.

This, of course, is Yggdrasil in mecha form. And by mecha, I mean spaceship. I figure a media server would translate best as a ship rather than a giant robot. You would think that because his avatar is based on Fusoya, I’d duct tape a giant freaking beard on his spaceship form… no. :P I do, however, figure that it’d involve a Lost Universe-like arrangement in which Yggdrasil’s avatar would be present on his ship as a hologram.

Avatar Yggdrasil’s power as being a megacaster would translate to spaceship form– twin laser cannons, as you can see, but like any self-respecting spaceship he’d have missiles– bonus points if they’re anime-grade missiles and can bend at 90-degree angles FOR NO REASON– and a supercannon hidden somewhere. (Indignation in laser form?!) And as for healing? Hm… I’d imagine he’d have external ports that Blastoise and Dinah could latch onto for speedy repair-and-reload stops.

Ah, it’ll be fun to color this. :O

(WIP) Bros (and Sis) in Arms

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Broooomiiiiiide. Specifically, Hikaru bromide #1. In context, it’s actually a “photo” that Commander Ezelton snapped minutes after Hikaru was given her Lord Knight rank (and Lord Knight armor changed a little bit between M.E. 2004 and 2006, so the tabard is a little different).

This is also the first time drawing a couple of Hikaru’s fellow soldier-doods– Valhalla (original player: [info]pigeonguided) and Argus (OP: [info]tehkev). Not seen but also among Hikaru’s bros-in-arms are Myconis (OP: [info]aethereall) who is Valhalla’s twin brother, and Tarin (OP: LF). Oh yes. I totally went alt-diving for this. :P

It’s, like… if RT had Facebook, this bromide would totally get posted on there. XD One of those “dood, check it, our ‘sis’ just became a Lord Knight :D” things. Naturally, there is booze involved.

I’ma go get some cocoa crispies before the new episode of Law and Order SVU starts. Omnomnom.