FINALLY got my PSP parts released to me. Hurf durf, it went down as more like a “oh, I’ve had this for awhile and forgot to mention it.” Yeah right, the old jerkface was holding my parts hostage over something that he had no business butting into aside from him enabling mother to be a drama queen.
But now I have my replacement PSP door hatch and an extra non-Pandora battery that’s charging right now, so YAY I have a functional PSP! Seriously, I’ve been wary of using my PSP for… um… a little over a year since my old battery door got cracked somehow (and I’d have to save compulsively in case the battery dislodged or the power cable loosened) so now I can finally go back through my small pile of half-finished PSP games and clear ’em. Specifically, Star Ocean 1, Disgaea and Dissidia… oh, and there’s FFT, too.
Also speaking of Disgaea… Aaaaahahahahaha XD Kinda makes me glad I forgot to pre-order the PSP port of Disgaea 2 if this is the case. I’ll hold off on looting it until the first DLC item’s released. :P Too bad that NIS can’t patch PS2 stuff so they can, uh, go fix Ar Tonelico 2… >_>; *ahem*
In addition to my PSP battery+door, I also got a combo power/data cable so I can charge over USB as well as transfer stuff. I pretty much got it for the “charge over USB” part– I have the original “Phat” PSP model, which ordinarily can’t charge over USB (the “Slim” and other models after it can, directly through the USB mini-port) but this combo cable splits off into the mini-plug and the power plug. And it fits more securely than the official power plug, too. Take THAT, Sony! I love these USB chargers, they’re much more convenient than having to hunt down a power outlet. :D Next time I order stuff like this I’ll have to pick up a DS USB charger for
brendala too– they’re only, like, $3, so…
And finally… I have the tiniest Bluetooth adapter EVER. Seriously, it’s, like… LITERALLY thumbnail-sized (more like THUMB-sized if you include the USB plug). What’s more laughable? It was only $5, which is… 25 cheaper than that Kensington Bluetooth adapter that I ordered last year (but mother commandeered to use with her cell phone because one of the dogs chewed up her data cable). I haven’t decided if Blastoise or Dinah will wear this tiny adapter but at least I know if I need more I can get ’em for dirt cheap.
(All this crap is from DealExtreme. Sure I’ve mentioned it before.)
In other news, mother is now letting the two newbie cats (Chloe and Betty) wander the house freely during the day. So far they don’t seem interested in approaching Kestine or Daisy (though those two are also keeping themselves scarce for now) and are more interested in chasing and pouncing each other up and downstairs. It will be interesting to see what happens when all four cats eventually mingle. Perhaps someday I’ll get the full kittypile treatment. XD Or at least… dual-action petting via Kestine and Betty (since they are the attention-ho’s).
Anywho… time to resume coloring stuff, though I am sure to be interrupted by food. Wee~