Posts Tagged ‘roflcopter’

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Oasis Invader

Monday, October 19th, 2009

…and yes, I realize I forgot the F prints on the Flea Vest. I’ll fix that up…. tomorrow. @_@

Unrelated note: I totally need to level a stupidly-powerful generic in Disgaea PSP, then transmigrate him into a Prinny. And name him Arnold.
This will be so awful. And by that I mean awesome. XD “Come with me if you want to live, dood!”

I need some Austrian Death Machine… now THAT one is all my brother’s fault. Seriously, the LOL that went down when he put it on his car stereo… XD

Stupid-funny Nerd Moments

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

Oh Amazon. XD

I’d set it to consolidate my order into as few shipments as possible (in this case, it was supposed to be 2– understandably, it would be impractical to haul a JINT box with a case and a bunch of smaller things). But Amazon does not fail to amuse, as it decided to split off my PSU from the video card and the network adapter.

So now I’ll have three boxes, and since they all shipped on different days… yeah.

On a shallow level, though, it’ll kinda feel like I’m getting more shinies BECAUSE it’s 3 boxes instead of 2. SCORE!

As usual, I am late to the anime party. (Inversely, I am ahead on video games… sort of.)
At the prodding of [info]neophoenixte I finally looted Lucky Star. And there are much lulz to be had at Konata. Way too many parallels with me there. Similarly, one could say that Konata is pretty much Haruko wearing a Yoshi wig. XD

“Azumanga with a heavy nerd slant” doesn’t even BEGIN to describe this. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself thinking “holy crap, I DO THAT TOO.” XD

Finally, I had an Awesome BSOD (as in, a BSOD triggered by something awesome). To add to my stupidly-huge list of reasons why Yuri Lowenthal currently tops my list of favorite voice actors (others include “played Luke and Asch, played Haseo, played Cecil, is hilarious on Twitter, did the Mudkips meme on camera, compared Luke and Asch to Gollum/Smeagol” to name a few), I must now add “has a pet cat.”

And not just any cat…

An ORANGE cat.

And said kitty is a lovey-dovey boy-toy, just like my Kestine.
(naturally, conspiracy theories abound that the Lowen-cat is potentially one of Kestine’s littermates. Both do have quite a bit of white on ’em… though Kestine’s face has a white ninja mask-like pattern where the other one’s all orange)

TEN MILLION– excuse me, BILLION AWESOME POINTS. I’m sorry, but my orange kitty fandom is such that I cannot help but squee immensely at these things.

Thus, justification for breaking out the SD Cecil “squeh!” icon for the LJ edition (rather than the Sakaki icon I would normally break out for general kitty love).

Now, I should probably eat these burgers before they get cold. (They got here just as I opened up Semagic to write this.)

More bad moon humor…

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

So, what DID President Obama see when he looked through that telescope? The moon?

Better, he saw this:

Fusoya is not amused. XD

…I’m sorry XD

This begs for a FF4 Nerd Moment. XD

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

So, NASA wants to bomb the moon Friday morning. Gotta see if there’s water in there or some other business.

My inner FF4 Nerd is compelled to pipe up. Dude, don’t you know Zeromus really hates it when you interrupt him while he’s napping? (Not that he wanted to sleep in the first place.) And don’t you realize the moon is stuffed with all sorts of weird shit like red giants, reanimated dinosaur bones and creepy robotic masks that bounce laser beams back in your newbish face?

I wouldn’t worry about Bahamut, though. A missile would be like a freaking pingpong ball off his back. :P

…okay, I’ll stop now. XD

Or not. Speaking of FF4… Friday is also SPOONY BARD DAY. And by Spoony Bard I mean his FF4DS voice actor Sam Riegel (who is also hilarity on Twitter, by the way), and Friday is his birthday. :D Oh sure, I could pimp out Reid or Silabus… but I’m a FF4 dork, and, dude, SPOONY BARD is forever. (I am still sad that THE LINE was not voiced in the DS version.)

Bard cake and moon bombing. I think I opened a can of worms by doing that Golbez-themed FE Bromide. I’m such a freaking FF4 nerd. XD

(LJ Edition: This is also an excuse to break out my super-deformed Pally!Cecil icon for use with FF4 Nerd Moment posts.)

(Gourmet Ramen) God of Poker

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

Booze’d up Aries amuses the hell out of me. Wave that keg, oh mighty God of War!

Now to see if anyone else wants pizza…