Posts Tagged ‘omg’

(Undercooked Ramen) TIME PARADOX

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

If you would indulge me a “crazy fangirl” moment here…

I was checking Twitter earlier and find one of my favorite VAs live-tweeting from Medieval Times*… and mentions of mead and iPhones led to this Undercooked Ramen piece:


…which, of course, I tweeted just for the hell of it. But when I came back upstairs, I find this sitting in the buffer:

“@ayarane and that’s exactly what I looked like!”


I know. It’s extremely trivial and I swear I’m trying not to read too much into it but…. at the same time, there are no WORDS to describe the level of amusement. It’s greater than ROFLCOPTER. I was only half-thinking when I scrawled that Undercooked piece (only ehough to address “dude, did I get his hair right?”) and yet… oh wow.

Neo is TOTALLY going to throw the envy satellite at me in the morning XD

* Dude, one of my few remaining memories of elementary school entailed all of the first graders going to Medieval Times for a field trip. I can STILL remember the teachers telling everyone to stfu and stop chanting “Black and White!” but nobody listened. XD I recall getting a black and white paper crown, too.

(LJ version: this SO gets Kitestamped. XD)

Less Stupid, but Still Stupid

Friday, August 14th, 2009

LOL BULLDOGS: Mother NOW realizes the error in her ways. Partially. Putting aside that bulldog anatomy is so screwed up that Wilson can’t put it in (but he can certainly go through the motions!), mother is freaked out by the shenanigans of dogs in heat that as soon as BabyGirl (ugh, still don’t care for such a pretentious name) comes off her doggy period, she’s getting spayed.

…well, yay for that, but what about Wilson? Sadly I think my explanation of the risks of letting him stay as is became another “in one ear, out the other” thing. Wilson is actually the greater of two evils in this case. Unfixed males can learn to be quite destructive in their horniness, not to mention that the longer Wilson goes on this way, the more likely said behavior will stick even after he gets neutered. Yet mother seems to think spaying BabyGirl will make Wilson not be horny anymore. “IDK LOL” right?

Once more, facepalm, apply directly to the forehead.

Suddenly, Fourth Kitty: Parental stupidity does not end there! I’m brought in to meet the newbie… only for mother to freak out because she can’t find said newbie. After turning the master bedroom upside down, turns out the newbie managed to squeeze underneath one of the endtables with really short (and I mean REALLY short) legs and got stuck.

I suggested stuffing ’em with pillows to block them off (else newbie could get stuck in there again), once more mother fails to grasp the logic. She’s also miffed about Chloe hissing at the fourth ktty. Dur hur hur. “She was playful at the shelter!” my foot, changing environments is akin to hitting the reset button on a computer. Did you seriously think they would instantly start playing? The only known exceptions to the standard rules of Kitty Integration is if you adopt siblings from the same litter, or if you adopt mother and baby together (and even THOSE have exceptions).

Mother was all “I know, I’ll buy more toys” and such. No. Stop. Please, I can’t take anymore of this failing to think and make sense. I told her (tactfully, of course, though it was becoming clear that I was losing patience with her tendency to laugh off her stupidity) that it probably isn’t a good idea and that we have LOTS of cat toys and things as is, so much that she’s tripping over them, and she snaps at me for “being negative” and “second-guessing her intentions.”

She’s still whining about not being able to sleep, so I leave so she can nap… and started writing this post, and 10 minutes later she emerges from the master bedroom all “buh I still can’t sleep.”

*insert Charlie Brown-brand “AUGH” here*

I WISH I could just throw up my hands and walk away, I really do.
But, oh no, I’m accused of “sticking my head in the sand” and “being too serious.” When mother and Evil Stepfather go through the day being all “idk lol” about everything, it would be dangerous if I became anything like that (putting aside that it would be completely against my nature). Someone here has to keep a brain… even though my opinion doesn’t count for crap. After all, I am very rarely, if ever, given advanced notice or warning about ANYTHING and if I take the initiative, I’m shouted down for being nosy.
I could bang my head on the wall but that would set off the dogs and I’d get yelled at for that.

….ffff, Evil Stepfather’s camping the living room. I’m SO going to get the glare of death when the pizza guy gets here, because the sight of me offends Evil Stepfather’s sensibilities. Mother, why did you buy this man an MLB subscription for the Roku box when he has a sub for on the laptop he never uses, and when you know that this is just inviting him to be more of a jerk when I come crossing through common areas?

…ohgod, PLEASE don’t let the bulldogs loose in there. This house screws over the human residents as is by making it a chore to navigate (in the name of puppy-proofing), it doesn’t need to get worse.

Rampant, RAMPANT stupidity! *throws stack of papers in air*

The Importance of Not Thinking

Friday, August 14th, 2009

Mom? MOM. It’s nice you got Chloe someone to play with. But you did it for the wrong reasons and it’s going to come back and bite you, as does everything else you do without thinking.

Do you know why Chloe is meowing at you and hanging around near the door and nibbling on you at night? She’s tired of being cooped up in that room all the time. Considering that you go to bed at 5 and don’t get up until, what, 5 or even 6pm (which in itself screws up a lot of other things but that’s another detail altogether), yeah. Of course she’s going to start pestering you.

Getting a fourth kitty is a bandaid fix. You know what’s going to happen… they’ll play with each other, alright, but then they’ll BOTH come after you. Or if not after you, they’ll be like Kestine and Daisy and ninja-fight on your bed. And who gets to listen to you whine and complain about “oh I can’t sleep the cats keep me up at night, I need sleep or my heart condition will get worse, waaaaah?” Yes, me, because I’m still the worst person in the world who can’t do anything right and I can’t get to the DMV because you need to sleep, Kelly is… I don’t know where the hell she is, and by the time Robert gets up, the DMV stops offering tests for the day, and now I’m even having to skip volunteer service shifts (fff, they must think I’m a flake) because you get up so late and no I can’t wake you because you AND Evil Stepfather will yell at me!

And don’t pull that “idk lol” with me when I try to address the issue tactfully (Robert wouldn’t hold back, but I can’t afford to trigger Drama Queen mode so my hands are tied), or change the topic to my dead floor fan.

Also I SERIOUSLY question the wisdom of waiting until Wilson and BabyGirl (sidenote: wtf kind of name is BabyGirl, anyway?) are 18 months to get them fixed. It slows their growth? The world is not going to end if it takes them longer to grow up. Look at the cats, they got fixed early on and they seem normal! Holding off on getting the dogs fixed is going to make things WAY worse in the long run since the destructive behavior associated with having intact parts is more likely to stick, and you with your nonexistent patience… you’ll get pissed off and instead of doing the right thing like going to more dog obedience classes or hiring a dog trainer to come over (because oh no, EVERYONE IS OUT TO REPORT YOU TO ANIMAL CONTROL), you’ll just throw your hands up and throw the dogs away like you threw Toby away…

*epic, EPIC facepalm, apply directly to the forehead*

This parental stupidity makes me very very sad. I miss father. At least he had a brain… and USED IT. (Mother called it “dragging his feet” because father actually bothered to consider things like consequences and such.)

What is so horrible about letting Chloe mingle with Kestine and Daisy, as would be normal progression? They don’t even hiss at her anymore, hell Kestine just flees. THIS IS NORMAL. Augh.

t [info]brendala, your parents are STILL normal compared to my mother. Can I still petition for honorary membership? I may be a naughty liberal and my computer-speak might sail over your head but… :(


Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

OMG. Mario Galaxy 2? And with playable Yoshi? (Even if he’s a mount this time rather than a separate character?) HELL YES. Where is LF? We must squee. Moreso if Yoshi gets patched into New SMB Wii, muahaha…

Seriously, as far as the latter goes, I wonder if it will be like SMB2 in which you pick who to use for the level? (Knowing LF, he’ll demand Wario’s inclusion, just because XD) That would be all kinds of kickass.