Now with ink!
Posts Tagged ‘instant ramen’
(WIP) Drunk Santa and Pervert Reindeer
Tuesday, December 13th, 2011(WIP) Who needs egg nog?
Sunday, December 11th, 2011Holy Prinny on a Geo Block, dood! It’s a Snowscheme WIP!
Our opening act is Haruko, Spoony and Aries (sans fake Santa beard, he only puts it on for the guild open house) boozing it up for some drunk caroling. :D
This will also have the honor of being the first Instant Ramen Sketchbook done via Blastoise’s rebuilt body. Wee~
It’s a widely known truth that I draw much, much better at night… but the unfortunate side effect of Blastoise being VERY efficient with his cooling measures is that it causes the room temperature to drop about 10 degrees. Considering that it’s already pushing low 40s in Fontana around midnight… uh, yeah, that means my office is hovering in the low-to-mid-30s. For the most part I don’t mind, but my hands do! I’ll just have to make myself start earlier.
In other Ramen-related news… it occurs to me that Blastoise is now awesome to the point that I could live-stream the drawing sessions. (Another reason I should do this earlier in the day! Or failing that, DOES auto-archive streams for later viewing…) As is, he barely uses up a quarter of his total oomph with Painter, so I don’t think the tools needed to stream his primary monitor should slow him down… On top of that, there could be opportunity for some sass and lulz via Skype. See where I’m going with this? :)
Seeing as I have just been handed peanut butter and honey sammiches and hot chocolate, I’ll probably be awake a little while longer. Too cold to stay here, though… I think this calls for midnight Disgaea 4 Item World shenanigans. >:D
(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) The Great Cagnazzo
Monday, November 14th, 2011
I am Cagnazzo! I need MP for my Tsunami-hole! ARE YOU THREATENING ME?!
…though he asks for MP, I’m sure throwing rolls of Toilet Paper would be as effective as throwing Ethers, amirite? XD
Next in the queue is another “so awesome it had to be punted to the front” piece, also from FF4. Can we say “Balmung and Zelgadis fight over Cecil?” It is also another bad VA reference (though it was just happy coincidence).
(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Flames, Fappers and Fezzes
Monday, October 31st, 2011Hi. Halloween ramen got preempted because of this thing. To recap, there is this awesome podcast on the interwebs called NSFW and is basically the geek version of Beavis and Butthead (speaking of which, THAT’s been relaunched as of last Thursday but fortunately you can watch online too), and sometimes I do scribbles for those doods for glory and lulz. NSFW will be airing its 100th episode tonight (7pm on the west coast), doubling as a Halloween special, and odds are you may spot this piece somewhere! 400+ viewers for the live show and several thousand more after the fact via podcast downloads is nothing to sneeze at. Let’s hope it gets me more Twitter followers. :D
I won’t even begin to make excuses for my rediculous Mario nerdery that bled through here. :P
Elsewhere in the ramen world, uh… apparently I have Lazrigees Academy for November? Hm… Not sure how to go about that– pick up where I left off last year, or what… Maybe I could tackle some of the teachers this time.
(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) FE Bromide: Tenebral Arcana
Wednesday, October 19th, 2011
Late bromide is laaaaaate.
Professor Rineas can cosplay, too! Completing the triad of Lunar references, Rineas loots the Premier robes that Ghaleon was packing in Lunar 1… minus the hat, anyway. I left out the hat because it would have been too obvious, and more importantly, Rineas is not a hat person. (Also? His ultimate headgear is his glasses.)
And now I get to hammer out two pieces– a Halloween pic, and then finish what I’ll be rolling out for NSFW Ep. 100. >:D