Posts Tagged ‘clearly yoshi is bored’

Go away or I will set your head on pepperoni!

Saturday, June 20th, 2009

Woke up at 5am and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I got on Blastoise to ink the third part of Sleepover. Here be a screen of the wireframe, in all its hints at Hikaru fan service. Chelsea… not so much– not quite visible in scribbly wireframe mode, but she’s squeezing soap gel on a sponge… luffa-head-thing.

But then my virus scanner piped up for its daily sweep, and that kinda slows Painter a bit. Yes, even with 4GB of RAM in this thing. You would think that would, you know, make me invincible or something. :P

Of all things, I’m looking forward to painting this. Not so much because for obvious reasons it would be an easy paint job… actually, no, it probably won’t be easy at all since there’s falling water and steam involved and weird colorations I get to deal with, but I’ve not done much involving water in awhile. Call this one of those EXTREMELY RARE moments but I like to think I don’t totally fail at painting water… that, I might (holy smoo!) actually be GOOD at it. Imagine that. o_o

In other news, zee house, it shall be mine for most of today! (Well, except for pets.) Mother and Evil Stepfather are going on some… well, I think it’s one of those city-sponsored/community “field trip” in which they hop a charter bus to a baseball game and barbecue. Whatever. Point being, they won’t be here, and I am totally nomming on pizza tonight.

Kestine is being quite the attention-whore right now, geez… “meow, meow, pet me, meow, purr,” and rubbing his face all over me, and just about everything else on my desk. Also swatting at my Blastoise trinket. I love you too, kitty. :P

Also Daisy has a new collar bell. It sounds huge. I think she’d have been better off with a cowbell. I’ll try to get a pic if she’ll sit still long enough. XD

Sleep is for the weak!

Monday, June 15th, 2009

And yet I find myself nodding off a little more than usual. Inversely, it sucks to sleep normally. I blame my pillows… I really should order new ones.

Agh! I just did it again… I blinked in my chair. Perhaps I should just give in and go take a nap… after all, it’s not like I have anything better to do.

For the billionth time, I love my cat. Even when he’s being a total attention whore, the way he goes about it is so cute that you can’t really fault him over it. His thing now is to literally shove his face into my palm if he wants you to pet him but you’re either sleeping or otherwise don’t/can’t make the effort to pet him. Or if you just happen to be lying down with your right arm extended, Kestine will curl up in such a way that his head is within easy petting range. XD

I swear Kestine is so easy to please… I think just the potential of being petted sets off his purring. And he purrs REALLY loud, too. Also, whenever I am just about to take his picture, he’ll roll onto his back and put up his two fron paws. XD

Wallpapers or GTFO

Friday, June 12th, 2009

01. Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper at their LiveJournal.
02. Explain in five sentences why you’re using that wallpaper!
03. Don’t change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on!

AP Main Exclusive: Just view the LJ post, Blastoise’s double monitor screencap breaks the layout @_@

Would you believe it…

Sunday, October 26th, 2008

Oh hi.
Seems my mother has a YouTube account. o.O

Well, if you want to see the two wiggly devil puppies that chew on my toes on a daily basis, knock yourselves out. But… if anyone asks, I never said anything.



Why yes, I’m totally bored just sitting here while stuff copies over (since it would equal LAAAAAG if I were to go log into CoH). Well, I could go get my PSP and play Star Ocean while waiting… but… so lazy… and the PSP is charging anyway.

OH HI, ambushed by a big orange kitty. My table’s going to freaking vibrate from Kestine’s purring. I love this cat so freaking much. XD

Server Migration Part 2

Sunday, October 26th, 2008

And we’re off. HostRocket will be the new host for Ayarane Project. However, I’ll be keeping the Interscot account open either until the end of the year, or until I am sure that everything that people wanted moved over has been (whichever comes first).

I’ve copied the following folders from the server:
/artwork/ (contains all Instant Ramen and Slacker Sketchbook)
/camera/ (self-explanatory)
/thumbnails/ (also self-explanatory)
/twilight/ (the RT “work” folder)

Copying those didn’t take as OMGLONG as I thought… of course, that’s just downloading. Uploading, well, that’ll be a whole different story. But all in all, it’s barely over 600MB for all that put together (and if I drop the junk _vti_blahblahblah folders, I can probably shave off another 50MB or so)… basically, just an “upload this crap while I sleep” thing.

As far as email accounts go, it looks like only mine’s getting ported over since all the others are basically forwards or abandoned. :P (BUT… new server should allow me to enable self-registration if, for some reason, somebody wants a mailbox. Just saying. :P)

To my knowledge, [info]seraphzero, [info]aethereall, [info]golgicomplex, [info]phrotus and [info]muralasa all have stuff on the Ayarane Project server. If you want to back up those files, please do so as soon as possible. If you want to put them back on the new server, poke me so I can get subdomain accounts created. (And, uh, if you forgot the login for the current server, poke me and I’ll get you that, too.)

I kinda feel bad that I’m going to drop Interscot at the end of the year… they’ve housed my little cardboard box since freaking 2001. Silly, yes, but even breaking customer loyalty is a little sad. :( But, alas, they could not keep up with other webhosts that are floating around. (Something tells me I’m not the only one thinking this.) In the end, this move will be much better for me.

I’m just waiting on the welcome message so I can start the uploads and get WordPress loaded and such. (Oh, that’s going to be interesting… hacking the smoo out of a prepackaged template to make it nice and Yoshi-flavored. Ah, reminds me of when I would clone the look of game menus as blog layouts for Mugendai.) I’m thinking that not only could I stream my LJ, but also my dA posts… fun times ahead!

Still haven’t decided if I’m going to register or some variant of it… well, that’s something I can do anytime, really. :P

EDIT: On an unrelated note!
Mmm, pet insurance.
VPI’s gonna reimburse me for half of the neutering fees. At first I was kinda “wha?” when I looked over the explanation (they’re giving me back only $100 for the actual neutering charge, out of $220-something) but then I remembered that they would probably only cover enough for a basic neuter, and mother piled on a ton of extra services. :P

But, hey… half of a total $650 bill? (Remember, I had both dogs done at the same time.) That’s still pretty freaking nice.

LAWL @ mother, though. “Maybe we can get away with NOT neutering Wilson” (the English Bulldog that Evil Stepfather’s buying her for anniversary) Yeah, right. I can see why if you’re a breeder… which mother is most certainly NOT. Fontana freaking charges you 6 times the normal licensing fee if your dog’s not fixed. What the hell… NOT neutering? That’s just absurd.