Posts Tagged ‘body odd’

Yoshi Hot and Cold

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Bwah, I did an extended one-shot Instant Ramen as birthday gift art for NSFW… I think it was 15 hours from start to finish, at least that’s what my plantwear watch showed and most of that was the paint job, and most of THAT was attempting to recreate the backdrop of the roundtable set of the TWiT Brickhouse. I’ll do a proper Instant Ramen post later…

So today I was all “buhhhh” and sore and rather out of it, just fading in and out throughout the day and coughing a bit. I thought it was because I had done that stupidly-complex Ramen piece and not taking enough breaks, but I think I might have caught whatever bug mother has since she was super-congested and such, and she had given me her leftover fries when she brought back McDonalds.

This wouldn’t be a problem except… tomorrow– er, today? I’m being summoned to do a virus purge, which involves going outside. Yoshi + sudden temperature changes = NO. x_x Not only are the “re-chills” painful (moreso when it’s after showering), it also drastically increases my likelihood of getting an awful headcold or worse. :(

What to do…? I said I’d do the virus purge, but I would like very much to just let this bug pass quietly without being exacerbated by temperature shifts and what-have-you. But then I’d be a flake for backing out and a jerk for not fixing someone’s laptop in a timely manner… not to mention a total wimp for not wanting to go out when I may be brewing a bug. Boo. (I’d be more willing to go out in the cold if I weren’t already a little under.)

In other news, I’m just now getting to play Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. I played Red Rescue Team a few years ago, and found that I liked it WAY more than anything from the mothership. Mystery Dungeon-subseries are often written off as being too cute and… other things that suggest that it’s not serious, but they are actually very well-written compared to the mothership titles. Of course, you still get to scratch that “collect them all” itch in the post game… and evolve, too. Plowing through as a Blastoise kicks ass. >:D

Medical Anomaly, Part 2

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

…did I seriously just pay $52 for my doctor to tell me EXACTLY the same stuff he told me yesterday when he called to say he was cranking up my synthroid? WTF. Why did I bother to go? Oh wait… if I didn’t go, the clinic would still bill me as if I had gone. *sigh*

Well, at least it’s not as much as last year. It’s weird, my synthroid was only $10 where it was almost double that last year, and the doctor visits were, like, $80… huh.

Awesome doctor concurs that my mother is a wee bit off. He has a bulldog– ONE bulldog, not three. Now that he knows I’m an attic monster and that currently the best I can do as far as exercise is pacing around in the teeny, uncluttered part of the stretch of hallway (let’s see how many times I can go without having to sit! …wow, that sounds really pathetic!) because otherwise my presence causes the dogs to go berserk and bark like I’m a home invader, I think my circumstances make a little more sense to him.

Mother, on the other hand, doesn’t believe a word of the lab results and wishes Awesome Doctor would be more of a fat-shaming asshole. *sigh* When will she get that she can’t just… force people to back her up when she breaks out the concern troll-y to make it look like I’m someone who should be controlled/restrained/brainwashed into submission.

…like I’m a dog. HMM.

I just don’t even answer her ranting anymore, not feeding into her drama-making, “poor me” venting. I am not going to die next Tuesday, sheesh. -_-;

In other news, need to hurry the hell up and finish this ramen piece. I’ve others in the queue piping up. One of them involves Numair and a rubber ducky… and an extremely nosy kitty who tempts fate via bathtub. >_>;

Medical Anomaly

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

Herp a derp. The awesome doctor calls with my blood test results… and this leads to a WTF moment in a good way? I guess…?

So, as much as I am a fat chick who looks like she could faceplant at any moment (or so mother claims)… internally, things are actually looking pretty nice. Recall how last year I got slapped with anemia and such? Apparently… not so much anymore! I don’t get it either. It’s not like I really changed my diet… Best not to question these things. :P (That and I doubt anyone would believe me… least of all mother, who’s convinced I’m going to die, and she’s more concerned about people judging her.)

I just need to have not-crappy stamina so I don’t get winded so easily and thus doods won’t stare at me. Given that all I have as far as walking spaces that won’t set off the bulldogs is the cluttered hallway on the 2nd level. (I prefer NOT to trigger the CACOPHONY OF WOOF if I can help it, it’s too much of a drama-maker and puts everyone on edge for the next couple of hours. Freaking bulldogs.)

Small Rays in the Dawn

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

It only took a few hours before I began to notice the initial effects of the Blue Synthroid. I like to imagine Blue Synthroid as being like the first-tier Water of Life from the original Zelda… except mine is a blue pill that is meant to dissolve in water. But, you get the idea. >_>; I get a month’s worth of these suckers for the first charge, but the later ones are eligible for upgrade to a 90-day version… I dunno if said upgrade will sap the remaining refill charges. o_o; Hopefully not! But, being a cash dood, you never know… That, and results of bloodwork are always liable to trigger a script change.

So, I am a little over 12 hours out from having taken my first Synthroid pill since, um… early January? About 3 hours after, I didn’t feel as sluggish, but I also had food at the same time. As the night went on, I could very slowly sense the fog lifting away… there wasn’t as much lag between my thinking something and it actually executing either in real space or even a computer action. I’m sure that as the synthroid re-accumulates and distributes itself, the fog will go away faster.

Slowga on my face = GTFO, plz.

Oh! I know when I’ll know when the Blue Synthroid’s at maximum effect… I’ll stop feeling like a zombie in my laboratory. See, I’m packing dual monitors, and for normal people, more monitors makes the room hotter. Not so much for me. In fact, on the surface, I’m, like… zombie-chilly. (I do not, however, crave brains. Food is still boring to me for the most part. >_>;)

I’m only still awake because I caught a bit of a second wind around 2am. So much for trying to reorient my sleep schedule… but it’s not like that would accomplish anything useful, either. :\ Depending on when I start to drop off, I may go ahead with the next dose. Otherwise, later today I guess I’ll give Painter a go, hitting the Randomizer Block to see if enough brain fog has lifted to be able to do anything.


Monday, April 25th, 2011

Holy crap, where did the day go? Oh well.

I didn’t bring my Scrooge McDuck stick with me, and I’m a dumbface for doing that because I am soooo worn out and I could have used it rather than looking for the nearest table/anything resembling a chair to rest at. It’s especially redonkulous because this is one of those canes you can shrink with a button (like umbrellas). Boo me!

That aside… I have a synthroid script again. YAAAAAAY.
BUT, I can’t go pick it up until tomorrow because the pharmacy is restocking, BOOOOO.

Hell, what’s another day, anyway? I’ve also been advised to chug vitamins– either/or a women or unisex multivitamin– which totally makes sense and probably should have been doing anyway. Because of Evil Stepfather, we have vitamins and the like up the wazoo, so no need to bundle ’em into the synthroid script (putting in that iron pill made mother freak out until I pointed it out that “Ferrous Sulfate” = LOL IRON SUPPLEMENT).

And finally… this detail made me consider locking, but upon further consideration, it was pretty much obvious anyway. I’ve been tapped for a psych referral for my depression.
Booo, extension of the black mark on my record. (Even if I’m paying cash, this stuff ends up in my file all the same.) Welp, I’m pretty much uninsurable aside from PCIP (and even that’s being a pain about letting me in… not to mention it’s a little expensive and may not be worth it for the moment. I need to do more number-crunching on that side). Whatever happens, I hope the sessions don’t drain my wallet too much. x_x
But, this depression has been dogging me for, well, as long as I can remember. Can’t run from it forever, it’s been chewing on my head pretty much my entire childhood, and I’ve never really known life outside of it. More importantly, there is absolutely NO WAY to realistically address my being a fat chick without treating the depression part first– it’s counterproductive to tell someone like me to go lose weight in a vacuum without addressing the other problems. It IS possible to trigger the startup of some kind of weight loss by means of reinstating my synthroid in addition to therapy, as I get my stamina and will to live back, but… yeah, if we were to do drastic crap like what mother would surely think (throw me blindly into a hardcore diet + exercise routine) that would TOTALLY ask for failure.
We can’t really exclude mother from this, because that’s also what caused my last attempt at therapy to fail… but I don’t want her sticking her fingers too much into this round if I can help it. >_>; I, uh, also haven’t told her i’ve been tapped with this referral yet… I was so winded and such getting out. Uhm…. I’ll just say it’s new policy for thyroid patients. That sounds plausible enough!

Most importantly, brain fog will GTFO, like, soon. Give it a couple days to take effect and then I’ll whack the Randomizer Block and see what happens on the art front! :O