Posts Tagged ‘body odd’


Sunday, April 24th, 2011

I cleaned up my room a little bit today (as much as I could do with brain fog and wearing out easily, anyway). Now my rolly-table is back in order, meaning Dinah is no longer confined to being “docked” on her chill pad and I can use her as an actual laptop with minimal cables… or none, if I’m feeling daring. I forget that my ninja laptop has a battery that doesn’t suck– the only real battery-killer is video, so as long as I keep that to a minimum I can make her last the better part of an afternoon. Of course, when I’m out and about, I’ll surely keep her power brick on hand, but MacBook power bricks are much smaller than those for Windows-based laptops. :P

This is all part of my greater goal, to eventually move my bed so it is flush with the HDTV and thus I won’t have to crane my head to look at the screen. But there are some secondary effects… as much of a pain is it to do ANY kind of physical work, I gotta do it eventually. Unlike others in my family, though, I consider even the smallest action a victory… I remember all those times getting yelled at because I allegedly didn’t do “enough” despite not being given some kind of parameters. So, even clearing off my rolly-table to deploy it, and putting away some widgets that had piled up… sure, doesn’t sound like much, but it’s SOMETHING, which is much, much better than nothing.

Slow and steady wins the race, they say. This is so, so true for a big person who’s clawing her way out of a pit. I just have to remember this and not be distracted by those who would shout at me to “do it faster.”

Put another way, I’m not waiting on synthroid to try and work on things, though I know being liberated from brain fog will help things along significantly. I don’t want to think something like the medicine I should have been more vigilant in taking is going to fix everything, but more like it will be a much-needed jump-start to other things (for one thing, I need to find some way to slip out for walks to recover my stamina… which in turn will lead to my being able to train in the Yoshi Car and find other, more visually-appealing places to walk because, really, the tract housing around here is not that much fun to look at).

One thing I need to do right after I post, though? Order a freaking handheld shower head. I can’t believe I’ve forgotten about that for so long… didn’t have any, for some reason, so it’s Amazon for me. :P I guess I’m just spooked about asking for installation. >_>;

So, let’s see… I have laundry done (woo), I just need to shower because I know I won’t be able to Monday morning… and Tuesday I’m hopefully going to break out my CD to refill the Magic Coin Block before the next Allstate bill hits. :P

And the shower head.

Which I’m going to pull up and loot…


The end (of Headfog) is near

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

I finally was able to get an appointment with my doctor so I can reload my Synthroid. YES. I must have gotten one of the other doctors’ receptionists because holy crap she picked up and booked me right away. o_o

The downside? The awesome doctor… is on vacation until the 25th. Gah… was kinda hoping to have this resolved this week (because I don’t really want to be going out and about until I can get my synthroid back in rotation), but at this point I’ve no room to be picky. Hell, I’ve gone a couple months without synthroid, I can wait a couple more weeks through this headfog of doom.

I’ll have to summon Robert though, but he’ll do anything I want transportation-wise as long as I give him 24h notice. :P

All that said… today is Pizza Wednesday. I have a free 2-sammich credit via Dominos as a result from their system belch, but I haven’t had Papa Johns in awhile, either.

Not sticky OR long

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

I wish my mother would quit going from zero to drama monster if I as much as do something different for the day. HOLY CRAP I wanted to curl up and play Angry Birds (and also watch to see if neighbors start putting up/turning on house lights) and mother goes off on me, thinking “OMG IS YOUR COMPUTER BROKEN?!” or “YOU’RE GETTING SICK, AREN’T YOU? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU” and other such nonsense. FFS.

(speaking of Angry Birds… when is the Christmas patch going to hit? It’s being rolled into the Halloween episode, which I presume will be renamed to “Holiday Edition” or something to differentiate it from the core game.)

Snoooowscheeeemes. I really should start drawing one of those. I also need to go drag out my tiny little tree– my weeny 1-foot tall synthetic tree with blue lights. At least, I THINK the lights still work. But yes, I ought to start on holiday art stuff… mostly the problem is choosing the opening act! :O

Also: o hi, Mrs. Fields! What’s this? a $20 loyalty credit for cookie bombings? :P HMMM. Looks like I’ll have to, uh, set someone up the nom nom bomb, or something. *drags out the Randomizer Block*