Posts Tagged ‘ayarane project’

Admiral Taggery

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

This is totally an exclusive for those viewing this from the main Ayarane Project hub. As in, this very server. Lucky you! Actually, it’s because it’s only relevant to this version of the blog and thus makes no sense to appear on the other variants.

I was SUPPOSED to go attempt sleep, um, 3 hours ago but decided on a whim to go diving through all the 150-ish posts that have been streaming here since the server change in late October of last year and add tags to all of them, since the stream widget thingy that pulls the posts off LJ won’t carry over tags and… yeah. Clearly Yoshi is very bored. From hereon I’ll try to go back and tag streamed posts (and fix the ones with YouTube/NBC video widgets since, again, the stream widget kinda forgets to import those) as soon as possible, just because it’s cleaner that way.

You’ll also see that in the byline there’s an “ITP” field (ITP being “in this post”) with the tags used. Also the Yoshi link should take you to the about page rather than another useless archive.

Why do I do this? Certainly can’t be because I’m stupidly amused by things like, oh, TAG CLOUDS and such?

What else… ah… I may replace the title text with something more graphical. But that I’ll do another time, when I am less sleepy.

Tweaking and tweaking and tweaking…

Monday, October 27th, 2008

I always forget that after I do something drastic, like change servers, I end up feeling like I did something along the lines of selling my soul for a cookie. Stupid, obvious observation much? :P

Been poking, nudging, setting ablaze, fusing, breaking apart and hacking at the frontend of the new Ayarane Project server for much of the evening. While, graphically, its front page won’t be complete until I replace that background with something a bit more… Yoshi-flavored (like, ramen!), for the most part it’s got everything pretty close to how I want it. :D

Streaming this LJ over to the AP front page isn’t perfect… since it’s being piped via RSS, things like icons and tags and extra stuff won’t transfer. Oh well… I guess if you really want to see, you could just click through! (You have to do that if you want to comment anyway.)

Of course, with this server move, I’ll obviously have to change the way I actually post Instant Ramen serverside. As I said before, from hereon, Instant Ramen files will be posted on the subserver, which now has its own gallery software (because fiddling with Across Universe has TOTALLY spoiled me on automated thumbnailing). The good news is that no more will I have to worry about FTP clients since I can post it from the Ramen CP… the bad news is that anyone who wants the full-sized version is either going to have to click through to loot it themselves, though not that it’s all that difficult anyhow. :P As test fodder (and also because it really was the most recent Ramen), DenRoll was the first to be added under this new subserver.

The only thing that concerns me is not a single thing has touched my primary mailbox all day. Usually I get, like… at least one YouTube notice, or something from the Obama campaign, or spam… but, nothing! Weird, considering that the DNS switch otherwise went without any complaints, so it’s not like anything could have still gone to the old server mailboxes. Then again, it is a weekend… hmm. Well, at worst, all my mission-critical emails are piped into my Roadrunner mailbox.

Server Migration Part 2

Sunday, October 26th, 2008

And we’re off. HostRocket will be the new host for Ayarane Project. However, I’ll be keeping the Interscot account open either until the end of the year, or until I am sure that everything that people wanted moved over has been (whichever comes first).

I’ve copied the following folders from the server:
/artwork/ (contains all Instant Ramen and Slacker Sketchbook)
/camera/ (self-explanatory)
/thumbnails/ (also self-explanatory)
/twilight/ (the RT “work” folder)

Copying those didn’t take as OMGLONG as I thought… of course, that’s just downloading. Uploading, well, that’ll be a whole different story. But all in all, it’s barely over 600MB for all that put together (and if I drop the junk _vti_blahblahblah folders, I can probably shave off another 50MB or so)… basically, just an “upload this crap while I sleep” thing.

As far as email accounts go, it looks like only mine’s getting ported over since all the others are basically forwards or abandoned. :P (BUT… new server should allow me to enable self-registration if, for some reason, somebody wants a mailbox. Just saying. :P)

To my knowledge, [info]seraphzero, [info]aethereall, [info]golgicomplex, [info]phrotus and [info]muralasa all have stuff on the Ayarane Project server. If you want to back up those files, please do so as soon as possible. If you want to put them back on the new server, poke me so I can get subdomain accounts created. (And, uh, if you forgot the login for the current server, poke me and I’ll get you that, too.)

I kinda feel bad that I’m going to drop Interscot at the end of the year… they’ve housed my little cardboard box since freaking 2001. Silly, yes, but even breaking customer loyalty is a little sad. :( But, alas, they could not keep up with other webhosts that are floating around. (Something tells me I’m not the only one thinking this.) In the end, this move will be much better for me.

I’m just waiting on the welcome message so I can start the uploads and get WordPress loaded and such. (Oh, that’s going to be interesting… hacking the smoo out of a prepackaged template to make it nice and Yoshi-flavored. Ah, reminds me of when I would clone the look of game menus as blog layouts for Mugendai.) I’m thinking that not only could I stream my LJ, but also my dA posts… fun times ahead!

Still haven’t decided if I’m going to register or some variant of it… well, that’s something I can do anytime, really. :P

EDIT: On an unrelated note!
Mmm, pet insurance.
VPI’s gonna reimburse me for half of the neutering fees. At first I was kinda “wha?” when I looked over the explanation (they’re giving me back only $100 for the actual neutering charge, out of $220-something) but then I remembered that they would probably only cover enough for a basic neuter, and mother piled on a ton of extra services. :P

But, hey… half of a total $650 bill? (Remember, I had both dogs done at the same time.) That’s still pretty freaking nice.

LAWL @ mother, though. “Maybe we can get away with NOT neutering Wilson” (the English Bulldog that Evil Stepfather’s buying her for anniversary) Yeah, right. I can see why if you’re a breeder… which mother is most certainly NOT. Fontana freaking charges you 6 times the normal licensing fee if your dog’s not fixed. What the hell… NOT neutering? That’s just absurd.

Server migration

Sunday, October 26th, 2008

I mentioned this before, that I will be most likely transferring the Ayarane Project (that be to the lot of you!) to a new host.

That “most likely” is pretty much a definite. I’ve already taken over billing for both GoDaddy and the current host (Interscot). And, well… Interscot was great at the time that I got it, but once again, it appears to have made, well, NO attempt at all to evolve with the competition over the years. I mean… basic accounts don’t even get PHP. The most I’ve gotten in the 7 years I’ve been there is… what, a control panel upgrade? Yeah… time to change boats here. As for who will have the honor of hosting my cardboard box… the choice came down to Dreamhost or HostRocket, and I’m leaning towards the latter.

And I should really stop being lazy and fix my front page and such. I’m pretty sure on a new host, I can rig a WordPress installation to grab the RSS for this LJ and stream it. I’ve ideas for how to automate the archival of Instant Ramen, too.

SPEAKING OF RAMEN… that’s actually the most important thing about the upcoming server migration. I’m pretty much going to copy the folders over wholesale, just so I don’t break old posts here. However, new stuff will probably sit on or something of the sort.

Also, for the hell of it… I’m considering registering as an alias. XD It’s, like… why not? Domains are so freaking cheap now, as opposed to 10 years ago where you’d get dinged upwards of $150 or so.

…fadlskjsl I need food.