Posts Tagged ‘altima network’

(WIP) March of the Avatars III

Friday, November 6th, 2009

Technically done, but I’ma hold off until everyone’s inked and colored before I post bigger versions.

Onyx, however, is hawt. He also looks kinda evil.


Unrelated note:

Dear Disney–
I like Jim Carrey as much as the next guy (Bruce Almighty, hell yeah). But in my 80’s nerd mind, there can ONLY be one rendition of the Christmas Carol that I will ever like, and that’s the one with Scrooge McDuck as ol’ Ebenezer.
Just saying. >_>;
I’ll leave the other nostalgic doods to nerd rage and strangle your overlords for not doing a badly-needed remaster/Blu-Ray release of Mickey’s Christmas Carol…

Much ♥, Yoshi

And on that note, I conk out for the night.

Maybe Some Hope?

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Literally minutes after I posted that WIP, mother came by to ask about Iggy (she thought he was working even though I told her I’d inherited bad parts and couldn’t fix it until January). Seems I’ll be getting coins to fund parts replacement– namely, the difference between it and the deposit from my VPI checks. o.O

Trap fodder? Oh yes. But she insists– seriously, I told mother I didn’t mind waiting until January to get Iggy’s mobo and she’s all “What? No :( That’s too long to wait!” So I guess that’s decided. Better go price out the parts I need to get the final coin count…

I’m getting her at least some Starbucks for this, if not an IHOP raid (I still need to burn up this Visa gift card before December hits and non-usage fees kick in…). >_>

On a mildly-spooky other front… uh, Dinah? You’d better not be going Squirtle on me. Ever since I slapped 7 on her, sometimes Dinah will auto-hibernate after standing idle in screensaver mode for awhile. Her fans are running high, yes, but she doesn’t get THAT hot. (SpeedFan says Dinah tops out around 145F most of the time, and she’s run WAY hotter than that before.) Hm. Well, at least it’s auto-hibernate rather than SUDDEN SHUTDOWN. It could also be a hidden power-saving setting I’ve overlooked. I’ll have to poke around in there.

(WIP) March of the Avatars II

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Dude, Blastoise, you kinda sorta look Hugo Weaving in Elrond mode today. I think it’s the face and eartails.
WTF, because I haven’t watched the LoTR movies in nearly a year and I wasn’t even thinking about them. Oh well.

Also: Wacom, your tablet mice SUCK.
Scrollwheel on my Intuos3’s mouse no longer… scrolls properly. It just spins like there’s nothing underneath to register. Booooooo!
Why does stuff break when I don’t have mo– no, why does my stuff break at the worst possible time? ARGH.

Bleh, time for sleep.

(WIP) March of the Avatars

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

This is not a [info]toujiron-brand picspam. Or at least one in the sense that it is out to deliberately break things.

A shrunken screencap does not do this justice. :(
That said, holy crap my primary machine is a sexy bastard. This should be a not-surprise considering I built him but, yeah.
The hilarity of course is that every time I draw Blastoise he always looks all “SERIOUS BUSINESS, KILL IT WITH SPEAR” but he’s actually a giant goofball. (See: his PSU incarnation)

Also his armor? Expect it to be shiny up the nose.

I am totally issuing wallpaper variants of all these– individuals, two trios (Blastoise/Dinah/Iggy and Onyx/Tsunami/Jin) and one with all six.
For now, sleeeep. z_z

(WIP) Avatar Day

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

As opposed to yesterday’s insane amounts of lazy… today I was stricken by… I dunno, some kind of freak artist ADD or something. o.O


Blastoise gets another revision. Don’t mind his crappy-looking spear, I’m bringing back the one from the last version since that one was actually badass.
He gets a mix of Jade and Balmung armor this time. As learned from the Aries FE bromide, sometimes it’s really worth cranking up the detail. >_>
Blastoise is all about KILL IT WITH SPEAR, but he’s a decent offensive caster (after all… LOL HYDRO PUMP).

Dinah gets a detail upgrade, too. Makes her look slightly more like a Disgaea ninja as far as the lower half of her goes. Ditched the double-saber for a ninja dagger this time (though I would imagine Avatars could literally yank their weapons out of subspace or what-have-you as needed). It’s all about flipping out and killing stuff quickly, and she can use low-level debuffing ninjutsu. Nin nin~

Old man Yggdrasil gets a slight tweak to his robes to make him look a little more like Phil. Note the bubbles coming from his pipe. XD
He is a badass old guy, meaning magic and nothing but! Offense and healing, there is nothing beyond his grasp!

And now, mother’s half of the network! Enter Tsunami. She is, as you can tell, based on a Disgaea healer. Why not? :P
In a way she’s kind of a successor to the retired unit Lapras, because Tsunami has a bow. Obviously, she’s a badass healer, matched only by Yggdrasil in oomph.

Onyx, who is huge, heavily armored and has a giant freaking hammer. I guess he’s sorta like a Disgaea-brand heavy knight. He’s not much of a magic-user, aside from a couple of spells he can cast to boost defense.

And then there is Jin… based on, you know, that badass dude in Xenosaga. You don’t see his weapon but assume he’s packing a katana anyway. (like… Sephiroth-length). His magic is more like a FFT Samurai’s “Draw Out” thing.