Posts Tagged ‘yoshi the computer monster’

still not amused

Friday, March 6th, 2009

/t Evil Stepfather,

If you are going to bark at me to put MLB score widgets on your laptop-that-you-really-don’t-need, do not bark at me if it turns out half of them don’t work at all, and the other half don’t let me specify which team to stalk (never mind that the season hasn’t even STARTED yet). No, I don’t know how to code Vista Sidebar widgets, I cannot magically write one that will stream your sports.

Ripping out all the bloatware and Dell crap on this thing was bad enough, I did not need to get barked at because I don’t care about baseball and sports in general. On top of that I was hungry and by the time I got upstairs, all the bulbs on my ceiling fan (which, aside from the glow of my monitors, is the only source of lighting in the room) had apparently burned out between my leaving for volunteer service and getting back. No significant lighting, um, kinda makes it not safe to operate my toaster oven.

(I cannot cook downstairs. Not because there are almost always puppies running amok, it’s just that my coming in, no matter how quiet, causes them to perk up and go berserk, barking in a collective frenzy, and I get barked at by Evil Stepfather for it because he can’t hear his precious sports and TV. The dogs REALLY need more obedience training because their conduct is, just, really absurdly apalling but, of course, mother just can’t be bothered to do it, even after I offered to pay for in-house lessons.)

It’s 1am and thus too late to cook anyway (even if I could see anything in here outside of the limited range of monitor glow, the beep of my toaster oven would send the dogs into a barking frenzy)… I didn’t even get to finish inking Celina because laptop-tweaking took too long.

I think tomorrow, everyone is going out for a good, long time, though. Sure, I could easily flee while nobody’s looking (and I have Dinah back in working order so I could ramen it up anywhere)… but I like my alone time with my big orange furball, too.

Go go Keith Olbermann, way to freaking PWN Ann Coulter. I LOLed when he busted out the diploma. XD

This made me smile after having to deal with mother and Evil Stepfather’s dumbassery.


Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Yoshi, gold medal winner for today’s Worst System Builder in the Woooooorld.

Why is this? Onyx wouldn’t turn on because I am a dork and transposed the front panel wires for Power LED and Power Switch. HUR HUR HUR.
One switch later and he’s installing Vista and such… though for some reason he was pulling very slowly. This was going through a Blu-Ray drive, and piped through Serial ATA. Shouldn’t SATA be much faster?

…and while I smuggled out Synergy… a few hours later I get a call from House Cantlay saying that she’s not booting and the buttons are stuck. *facepalm of EPIC proportions* What the hell, she was just fine over here! Argh… earliest I can get over there is Friday, too. I hope nothing got dinged too badly during transport!

Our thermostat is borked. Which, uh… is barely tolerable during the day, but at night it’s just brutal, even with additional layers.
Trying to sleep in such cold is even worse. I’ll have to see about stealing another blanket or something.

Mother may summon someone to see about fixing it… maybe.

(WIP) Card Fodder

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

Yeah, they’re colored but they’re all part of a set so I’m slapping WIP on these anyway. Also so Aeth doesn’t have to wait for my lazy bum to wake up so he can loot.

I can churn these out quickly (provided, you know, I’m not interrupted by, oh, mother yanking me to stand by so she can put puppies away so I can hammer her box, only to change her mind after waiting for a couple hours, or other trivial crap). I’m so used to going huge on Ramen though… hm.

Yay reimbursement check from VPI, and for over $300… which, according to mother, is deducted from the $800 she still owes me. Um… sure. It gets deposited tomorrow anyway.

And, uh, apparently I am to be paid for all the roflcoptery involving Synergy? o.O Yay? I thought going in this was “whatever I front isn’t coming back.”
Of course, I have to hope that mother and the ogre will leave for at least a few hours sometime this week. Pretty please? I’d like to give Synergy back to House Cantlay sometime this century. The presence of a box of spare parts can be easily explained away, but Synergy herself is pretty much the equivalent of a 600-pound gorrilla in my room and while mother is strangely good about not opening my room’s door when it’s closed, sometimes I have to leave it open a crack in case Daisy decides to play/nap in my closet. >_>;;;

As much as I like cold weather…

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

…I often forget that at its worst, California winters makes my right hand miserable, MORESO when drawing for extended periods as I’ve done today. x_x In these cases, my left hand can stay not-freezing if hidden under my cloak (or even better, on my person… one of the few perks of being tubby mctubberson) but my right hand’s exposed and on a cold surface. BRR is an understatement. Where is Kestine when I need him? One of the perks to having a cat is that they’re self-powered hand-warmers, and he’s probably watching TV downstairs, that silly cat. (Though… it is not so cold downstairs.)

Not only was I not able to smuggle Synergy out because at the last minute mother decided not to go out for the day like she was going to, but because of puppies running amok I couldn’t even fiddle with her uncooperative third box. So, scribbling crap upstairs for me. Nothing Ramen-worthy (yet), this is just layouts and such for RT, but they did score big with Aeth, Neo and Typh, so yay. (Moral of story: using Chelsea as a dummy character makes Aeth more likely to greenlight stuff.)

Assuming I’m not preempted tomorrow… library service = yay get me away from these Pups of the Apocalypse. With the heater not working consistently, though (it only turns on for less than a minute), TOTALLY not looking forward to showering in the morning.

But the employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Central Maryland.

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I don’t handle sudden temperature shifts very well, I found that out when I first built Synergy and kept switching between House Cantlay with the new heater (super fancy stuff) and my freezer of a house, and ended up with a nasty headcold that nearly kept me from going to my Portfolio final.

I wonder what’s going on with Dinah though… probably got shipped off to HP/Compaq since they’d have the parts to fix her red snow.

Oh hi, Yoshi Day in a month and a half? But, aside from just the blessing to go to Colorado for long-awaited Neo-pestering (money is a non-issue… I just want the guarantee that mother will not turn into a raging drama queen over it, and pigs will probably fly before that ever happens), there isn’t anything significant I’d want. Well, aside from my license. But with lol puppies, that seems a bleak prospect too. Maybe I should just settle for tasty food.

Argh, mind wants to continue drawing but hands are “TOO COLD LET’S RETREAT FOR NOW.” x.x

*chewing on her A+ cert card*

Monday, February 16th, 2009

Why do I get all the trouble machines? First it’s Synergy and now it’s mother’s third system, which has managed to one-up the former in terms of being a pain in the ass, and challenge my competence as a system builder.

I foolishly got another XFX nForce like the one I used for Synergy 2.0 and, of course, INFERNAL POST ISSUES REDUX. One return trip to Fry’s for an exchange, a pair of sore feet and a few hours of parts-transferring later… well, I would think that having used MSI mobos for, like, half my total machine count, it would be easy compared to that whackjob mobo I just finished beating into submission, right?

NO! Now I can’t even turn the thing on at all. First it was just the backlight being stuck (indicating inverted front panel wiring), now… nothing.

Probably I’m just that tired that I’m fudging the front panel wiring, but still… I should (and can, and HAVE) be doing better than this. After several that booted on the first try, now I can’t even make it past POST. Circumstances have basically forced me to abandon any professional ambitions on the art front, and if my secondary ability (PC repair) ends up being a bust… I don’t need to feel any more useless than I already am, I’d like to keep at least one of my marketable skills in case the economy should stop sucking enough for me to get some kind of employment before I become too old to be considered a worthwhile newb worker.

Time permitting, I’ll take another crack at it tomorrow before I attempt to smuggle Synergy out.

Argh I had a Phil bromide I wanted to sketch (as well as main menu redesign stuff for RT), but it’s far too cold in here and too late at night to do much of anything in here. I think our heater’s broken again. x.x