Now with ink!
Posts Tagged ‘snowschemes’
(WIP) Drunk Santa and Pervert Reindeer
Tuesday, December 13th, 2011(WIP) Who needs egg nog?
Sunday, December 11th, 2011Holy Prinny on a Geo Block, dood! It’s a Snowscheme WIP!
Our opening act is Haruko, Spoony and Aries (sans fake Santa beard, he only puts it on for the guild open house) boozing it up for some drunk caroling. :D
This will also have the honor of being the first Instant Ramen Sketchbook done via Blastoise’s rebuilt body. Wee~
It’s a widely known truth that I draw much, much better at night… but the unfortunate side effect of Blastoise being VERY efficient with his cooling measures is that it causes the room temperature to drop about 10 degrees. Considering that it’s already pushing low 40s in Fontana around midnight… uh, yeah, that means my office is hovering in the low-to-mid-30s. For the most part I don’t mind, but my hands do! I’ll just have to make myself start earlier.
In other Ramen-related news… it occurs to me that Blastoise is now awesome to the point that I could live-stream the drawing sessions. (Another reason I should do this earlier in the day! Or failing that, DOES auto-archive streams for later viewing…) As is, he barely uses up a quarter of his total oomph with Painter, so I don’t think the tools needed to stream his primary monitor should slow him down… On top of that, there could be opportunity for some sass and lulz via Skype. See where I’m going with this? :)
Seeing as I have just been handed peanut butter and honey sammiches and hot chocolate, I’ll probably be awake a little while longer. Too cold to stay here, though… I think this calls for midnight Disgaea 4 Item World shenanigans. >:D
(WIP) Snowman Trap… Part the Triple
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010
One can customize Frost Wave to change the visuals of its “hold” — in this case, it takes the form of holding the target in a snowman.
Frost Wave has the additional distinction of ignoring elemental resistances, so even Yoshi, who is water element, cannot resist being suspended in a Frost Wave hold.
Lock her down, and then Velan (who is not inked because I’m scaling him down and sticking him behind a giant pile of snowballs) and Numair can either pelt her with snowballs, or, well… Numair did just get a beta ammo sphere to enable Ice Missile on his Stinger Missile Launcher… >:D
Yoshi’s the only portion getting inked because snow is almost always rendered solely with drybrush. I already explained Velan’s lack of inking… Numair isn’t in (yet) but he’ll be added before I’m done.
(Instant Ramen REWIND) Noodly Nibblers
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010Har har har, Blizzard. Very funny, moving WoW server maintenance to this morning, after I manage to reset my normal sleep cycle to roughly midnight-6am. But, at the same time, this also means I can work on Snowschemes. SNOMG!
(Seriously, Cataclysm is that awesome… I make no excuses for letting it eat my computer time. Extra yay for being able to sass it up with my brother. :D)
To prod myself into the proper mindset, EPIC REPOST time. Let’s revisit some awesome Snowschemes of Christmases past~
The very first, done the same year as I got my first Aiptek. Yes, Reindeer Numair was around from the beginning.
Oh my jeebus cripes, this one was a colossal pain to paint because it was “LOL DRYBRUSH ONLY” and I hadn’t quite mastered dramatic lighting yet… but yeah. Huge tree is HUGE.
2005 was obviously a major year in ramen– in my usual slowness I’d finally seen Azumanga Daioh and it… kinda shows here. XD This also introduced some of the memes that would recur in future Snowschemes (in this case, the danger of letting Velan handle castle lighting).
The first appearance of Chelsea in a Snowscheme. Also establishes the existence of the Reindeer Brigade.
The first instance of the Mistletoe configuration of Hikaru’s Maximillian plate armor.
Snow in windows. Do you know how much goes into that? You stack the drybrushing and then you have to hard-trim out the excess to replicate the “smooshed up against the glass in the corners” effect.
That aside, somewhat tempted to attempt a remake of this, from a different angle or time point. Just saying. >_>;
Those lights are powered by magic, so they don’t get (too) hot.
Also… BEEP.
The overhaul of Chelsea’s holiday armor set. Why did nobody think to get a ladder?
Numair and Velan joining forces for Christmas lulz = Santa Prinny Squad rightfully freaks the hell out.
Fun lighting is fun. Reminds me of college drawing classes in which you’d do sketches on medium/dark paper. Spoony’s face (>:9) cracks me up so much. XD
Multi-panels + anonymous hordes + prinnies = never again! Too much to cram in here.
That said… Aries was the best part of this. FAIL SANTA IS FAIL. XD
I’ll, uh, leave you to debate the reasoning behind the inclusion of these and not others… and other technical hooey and blah. Meanwhile, my cat is trying to swat at my tablet pen, so I should probably go intervene before something bad happens. :P
(WIP) Angry Snowballs
Friday, December 3rd, 2010
Loooong ago, there was supposed to be some epic snowball fight between Velan and Yoshi. Now? Screw snowballs, let’s just take her out with fireballs and a freaking Stinger Missile Launcher. Because, you know, she can freaking drop SNOWMEN on y’all. May as well break out the Prinny Squad, too, dood.
(I soooo need to loop the Angry Birds christmas theme while inking this >_>;)