Posts Tagged ‘roflcopter’

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Double Feature

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

Hi, my internets have been down since Monday. I totally blame Aeth for this outage. That said, I did manage to clear… TWO pieces of Ramen. Behold…

Some would say it’s almost scary how much politics has leaked into Ramen. >_>;
I don’t know. I see an opportunity and if the potential for lulz is great enough, I go for it.
I recall, during the inauguration coverage on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow was gushing over the presidential limo, and one thing led to another and next thing I know I’m sketching this thing. Somehow I managed to not butcher the other two, yet at the same time whack them with the anime stick. (I like to think that Chris Matthews is the Velan of MSNBC… when he does that “HAH!” he totally gets XD face.)

Why yes, this is the MSNBC/politics version of the Yukarimobile scenes in Azumanga Daioh. In hindsight… if I were evil enough, I’d have put in whats-his-face, the dude who’s the substitute host for Countdown when Keith Olbermann’s out. Oh yeah. He’d make the perfect standin for “traumatized Chiyo.” XD

Anywho…. NEXT:

Kit’s Episode 0 FE Bromide!
Originally drew it so I’d have something to stick on her wiki entry.
Yes, her ultimate body armor (Robe of Jurai) is pretty much a pink version of the robes that Pretty Sammy wears. I can’t remember if this was by request of Neo or if I thought he’d be hella-amused by it… probably both.

We’ve plumbers all over the house. There’s a leak somewhere under the master bedroom. x.x
Since this means nobody can really cook and such while they’re here… pizza! Omnomnom.

Of course, mother’s all “OMG MUST CLEAN,” which is scary for me since I’m, uh, hiding a freshly-repaired Synergy in my room. (Finally got her to boot yesterday, about damn time. Seems her original GeForce got fried, and I didn’t realize that when I meant to swap in mine for testing I kept putting in the dead one. A bonehead is me.) Actually, it makes me nervous when she cleans nearby my room to begin with… not so much dangerous intrusion into my personal space (which, with all these damn puppies, I have almost NONE of), but for some reason it gives her license to shred me for whatever the hell she feels like, and most of the time it REALLY isn’t called for, and then she yells at me more because I stress her out by being a bad person that causes her to pick some offense out of a hat to shred me over. WTF.

Also… Chrono Trigger DS.
Finally got New Game+. The extra dungeons are okay (I like the Dimensional Vortex slightly more).
I’ve not tried out the “new” final boss yet… might save that one for a future cycle. >_>;

Sup, card editor

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

At risk of potentially having to shove my foot in my mouth for stating the bloody obvious…

Hi, Wells Fargo. What’s this “Design My Card” link in my settings? Could it be some grand theft Capital One’s card lab? XD

Well isn’t this interesting. I could very well have an Ayarane Project-styled debit card. Or slap a pic of my big orange furball on it. Or something out of the Instant Ramen stash. (Teehee, a Hikaru-flavored Visa debit!) Oh, and it’s all free, too.

I foolishly mentioned this to Neo and now he’s all buzzing around like a kid hopped up on candy. Oh crap XD

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Snowscheme 2008 Part 2: “Numair’s Cookie Splatterhouse”

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

click for fullview
Someone forgot to tell Numair that this was, you know, supposed to be a nice, innocent little cookie house. You know, with gumdrops and snowmen and pretty little christmas trees made of cotton candy…

But, nooooo, he had to go and set one of the trees on fire, smash a hole in the roof, decapitate one of the snowmen and rip off the other’s arms, and splatter “blood” on the outer walls oh, and ROAST DENLAN OVER THE CHIMNEY.

….hm, do fondant figures count as effigies? Since that’s pretty much what that charred Denlan fondant figure is.

One more week until Christmas. Let’s hope I can put out a bunch of smaller Snowscheme pics before then. >_>;;;

I know I tend to Mario-cize a lot of things, but…. XD

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Thwomp The Vote XD;
Funny, I’d have thought they’d link Sarah Palin to Peach rather than Daisy.
And LAWL @ Toadsworth as Joe Biden. Wow, I’d have never thought to make that comparison.

I STILL think that the elections need to culminate with a 2vs2 Brawl. DOO EET. Pretty please?

In other news… with the evil stepfather retired, I don’t have to actually head to the library until about 4:30. Much as I like having those couple of hours where I don’t even have to think about wiggly puppies or raging drama queens or what have you (out of sight, out of mind!), it’s also nice to not wake up at noon and be all “OH CRAP MUST GET READY NOOOOW” and such. (Of course, I should probably not be sleeping in to noon as is…) Of course, all this is out the window as of Tuesday. Maybe. >_>;

Ah, here comes Kestine to claim his napping spot next to the window. Silly orange furball…


Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

I'm Barack Obama and I approve this future cheezburger.

Lolcats, loldogs (why yes, there’s such a thing)… now lolpolitics? XD

I should probably go finish coloring that second halloween pic… And I sooooo did not just wake up 10 minutes ago, nope!