Posts Tagged ‘ragnarok twilight’

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Double Feature!

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

As promised, a Ramen double-hitter.

First up, the sequel to May’s Pundit Brawl, Pundit Kart!
Because, you know, I’m a naughty liberal and worse still, there’s nothing like solving political and pundit-related conflicts with VIDEO GAMES.
Once again, Team MSNBC (represented by Rachel Maddow) takes on Team Fox News (represented by Gretchen Carlson). I want that Rubber Duckie Couch so badly. The real funny, of course, is in the onlookers.

I think I turned David Shuster into Charlie Brown… which is more amusing than it really should be. Yeah, you eat that popcorn, Shu-bot! :P

This was a little late in being publicly posted on regular Ayarane Project; for the time being, political art goes on dA and the two political comms I frequent first. I have also elected not to post WIPs of those here as a courtesy to some of my more conservative peers, since it seems like I’d just be rocking the boat more than necessary. Still, ramen is ramen, and these pieces are really more about the silliness of people in large groups.

Speaking of which…

Elves are NOT Watermelons.
Seriously, they aren’t. Of course, Haruko = too drunk to tell the difference. (Or is she?)

Numair, against his better judgement, let Chelsea and Velan bury him in sand for lulz. (Probably, Velan baited him with cookies.) This, of course, is a ginormous trap in the form of a boozed-up blindfolded Haruko wielding a stick. And poor Hikaru, even on vacation she is still having to be the sole responsible adult in a guild full of crazy people. (You would think the likes of Deeum and Nemesis would be, too, but they booze it up like the rest of ’em. Rineas is too much of an assmunch to care, and Old Lady Kit may LOOK normal but she’s just as bad as Velan in terms of “doing it for the lulz.” :P)

Maximillian, Picked Apart

Friday, July 31st, 2009

For the record, this post is ENTIRELY [info]seraphzero‘s fault. :P Derail me from finishing Pundit Kart and Elves are Not Watermelons, will you?

What began as commentary on how much of a pain in the ass it would be to construct Hikaru’s Maximillian (her final body armor in Ragnarok TWILIGHT) led to a junk scribble in which I isolated each piece. The boots (the Sky Greaves) and hat (Majestic Goat) are omitted because they are considered separate items in the db.

AP Hub version: Just view the full post on LJ, it gets really long. :P

(WIP) Spoony fodder

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Spoony and Centromere. And the latter I had to redraw half of because I could not quite nail the whole juggling thing.
Also for some reason, half my background layers got damaged… like, 90% of ’em are kinda faded and there’s a stripe on the right side that’s normal. Probably a result of rolling back to Painter 10. >_>;;; Well, I guess it’s okay, since there aren’t many characters remaining and I’ll have to make a different set for Episode 0 anyway.

Ah, Centromere… can you believe he is Golgi’s twin? (Putting aside that somewhere along the way he decided to cut his hair and dye it brown from orange…) A pity he kinda gets slapped with the Luigi stick in that he is GREATLY overshadowed by his brother and doesn’t have any significant involvement in the main story; hell, his sidequest doesn’t even take place in the real world, but rather inside a freaking snowglobe pocket world.

But, all the same, he’s the designated Indignation-user. Yes. A freaking party magician throwing around Indignation. That will NEVER get old. XD
And while he and Golgi are both little geniuses (Centromere’s just the more music/magically-inclined of the two), part of me wants to liken Centromere to… Osaka. I don’t know. It’s that vacant, “HAY GUYS WANT TO SEE MY NEW TRICK?” kind of superficial air that he has, but I imagine that could actually be a good thing if you think about it. All that Hell Legion drama and such just sails over his head, really.

He’s a half-angel too, obviously, but his angel powers aren’t ever really nurtured. I don’t think he even cares, haha.

(WIP) Cute Fodder

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

This just leaves Spoony, Golgi (normal and angel), Centromere, Profolyx (bard and wizard) and the Epilogue characters.
Maybe I’ll do Episode 0 characters, too!

(WIP) Buff Fodder

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

I won’t lie. I’m guilty of perpetuating the stereotype of “people from Texas wear cowboy hats and speak with hilarious accents” and in this case I do so indirectly through my portrayal of Whitesmiths in Ragnarok TWILIGHT. I do so with full knowledge that this is FAR from anything resembling real people from Texas, and I do this because I find it highly amusing. A shameless person is me!

But, putting aside that Cal and Nimue’s original players really ARE Texas residents and are totally cool with playing up the whole cowboy thing to indulge me, and that Texas doesn’t, you know, actually EXIST in this universe, I just have to say this:

Whitesmiths are hot.

And it’s not just Nimue, we must have equal-opportunity Whitesmith cheesecake!
I mean, just look at Cal, here!

I don’t know. It’s, like… all the Whitesmiths that pass through my hands suddenly acquire this sexy quality. I imagine whenever I get around to finalizing Deen’s character design he’ll probably get that sexy beam, too. This is, of course, a different kind of sexy than one possessed by the likes of, oh, Denlan and Numair… this is just the unabashed kind of sexy, one that requires practically no effort.

…wait …hey… where’s Cal’s dog Peco? You know, the one named Spot? >_>;;

Sometimes I forget that RT!Cal is not only grand theft car salesmen even though, by golly, ours is 26 and sells everything BUT used cars with not even a remote starters for cars at least he has a car accident lawyer from this Louisville, Kentucky law firm, but perhaps he may have gotten more butcher knife loving than even Numair. Then I remember that I’m also committing Grand Theft Keith Olbermann, among other things. *shrug*

I apparently have a Celina wireframe in here, so I guess she’s next.