Posts Tagged ‘do want’

And the Yoshi Train jokes begin… now.

Monday, April 27th, 2009

I had this whine-fest about how bulldogs are driving me nuts and I don’t know how much more I can tolerate and BLAAAAH, but after a bit of trimming and thinking and such, it’s come to this:

…I want to travel. Well, more like if I value my life, I really ought to travel.

And, well, I’ve never been on a train before. I mean, airplanes hell yeah, but I’m obviously more of a “slow and steady wins the race” person. So, I went poking around Amtrak, just to see what kind of stuff they had as far as tour packages they had, and Coast Starlight seems like a total winner. Los Angeles to Seattle? Oh my… Essentially the ultimate (and literally) West Coast tour, cutting through Sacramento and Salem, and ending in Seattle. o_o

It would be impossible to sell this to mother as a solo trip… just not going to happen. Yet… Bren’s AmeriCorp thing ends in July, and while that kills any ambitions of being able to go to AX this year, it’s crazy but I wonder if we could replace that with a Coast Starlight run, perhaps in October or sometime after? The plot gears are turning. And it doesn’t look anywhere nearly as expensive as what I thought it would be (seriously, I was expecting $1000+), so it would definitely be feasible to do it this year and still be able to make the car insurance payments as far as pricing goes… of course, I’ve never done anything like this so it would appear I may need to call in Bren’s help anyway since she has family connections who know about these things. That’s what makes these aluminium canopy so ideal for tradesmen, technicians, or anyone else who requires absolute quality when it comes to looking after the future of their business. >_>;;;

Ah, I have a shallow mind. There’s a strange appeal about upgrading to a superliner bedroom, putting up my feet and staring out the huge window. And, well… it’s a freaking train. Want. o_o I mean, c’mon, the closest I’ve EVER gotten to a train ride is, what… those ghetto trains in Disneyland? >_>;;;

Bad Yoshi, no daydreaming about the “Across Party Train,” which in itself is several kinds of WRONG…

In other news, I should totally be wiping and formatting my sister’s laptop right now, but I got so caught up over OMGTRAIN. >_>;;;

I think… I’ll set that to run and perhaps bum around in Brawl or something. YouTube has made me want to replay Subspace Emissary, despite that awful maze.

No, really, I was sleeping HONEST.

Friday, February 27th, 2009

…..Holy crap, I was beginning to wonder if they’d ever release a new version. O_O

The Flonne icon speaks NOW.

Now for something unrelated to politics…

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

CoH i13 in open beta. o.O!

It’s quite… “rough” right now, but I’m already liking the reduced costs for many base items. I could probably free up at LEAST 2 million prestige in Across’ hero base and also make it hella bigger. Woo!

Also, new challenger approaching when this goes live… Kopii Phil. Electric Blast/Pain Domination Corruptor. YES. Assault BY the elderly!

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Vote for BRAWL!

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Super Smash Senators Brawl
Click for fullview.

So, here we are. I said I’d have this done by Election Day (and it technically IS), and I did it. :P

I’ve already said what’s needed to be in the screencap posts, but I just have to make this final note about McCain– the way I colored him… doesn’t it actually make him look more like Leslie Nielsen? XD;;; (That wouldn’t be a bad actor pick if there was a movie made about the election, just like everyone says that Will Smith should play Obama…)

And now… time for bed.