Posts Tagged ‘instant ramen’

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Gourmet Trio of Pink

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

We interrupt your summer shenanigans for a massive serving of…
Gourmet Ramen: Chelsea Torn Gourmet Ramen: Avatar Asuka Gourmet Ramen: Chelsea and GatewayPink.
Lots of it. Well, some red, too, but HOLY CRAP ALL THE PINK.

This was a Gourmet Ramen (commission), hence it got shoved up in the queue. You, too, can buy your way to the top; if you want to commission a piece (or 3), leave a comment or DM me on Twitter or harass me however you normally do with what you want. $20 for a single, or 3 for $50! (There’s also the “2 for $35” but the above two are the most popular. Basically, if you order in multiples with a minimum of 2, take off $5 per add.)
Digital delivery only, but you do get the original layered PSD to play with as you like. :)

Anywho, for the moment, looks like the summer shenanigans will continue. It’s only the 17th, so there should be time for at least two more. The final summer vacation piece will involve fireworks… and Meteor Storm. >:D

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Splash

Monday, August 15th, 2011

Splash, splashy splash! Wind Walk + Kinetic Slash while standing in water makes Splash!
Good thing Yoshi wasn’t part of this. Add in Waterball and it’d have made Blessed Drops!

(Numair? He mad. So very mad. Headfire is a given.)

(WIP) Violent torrent my foot

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

Take note of Numair’s hair. Bad enough he gets splashed on, but it messed up his hair! Ruh roh.
Do Haruko and Chelsea care that they’ll get hit with some of the Splash? Hell no. A small sacrifice, for the lulz!

Coloring this is going to be fun. Since the Splash spell effect is based on the spell of the same name from Tales of the Abyss, there are going to be lots of thick water streams and ripples. And I may actually have to bust out a soften filter or two for this!

(WIP) Double Tech: Splash

Friday, August 12th, 2011

Sometimes, double techs are created entirely by accident. Hikaru and Deeum’s “Twin Dragons” (two instances of Aura Blade used at the same time) is one…

…this is another. Hm. I guess it would be Wind Walk (Chelsea) and perhaps some low-level water spell that Haruko learned for the lulz that fused (and further amplified by their standing in the sea) and became “Splash.”

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Poolside 2011

Friday, August 12th, 2011

Equal opportunity fan service, doods. Not only do you get girls and guys, but you also get humans, one elf and a dragon. Oh yeah, there’s creeper Aries as a Poring, but he doesn’t count ’cause he’s morphed. :P