Now with more line art!
Posts Tagged ‘instant ramen’
(WIP) Knuckleface
Wednesday, August 10th, 2011(WIP) Poolside Slugfest
Tuesday, August 9th, 2011
So, who’s more of a creeper– Poring!Aries (IT CAME FROM BEHIND) or Denlan (whose denial takes the form of Numair slugging him in his derpish face)?
Oh yeah… derpaderp, Hikaru in a string bikini, roflmarine and whatnot.
(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Ice Cream Thief
Sunday, August 7th, 2011(WIP) FFFFFUUUUU
Sunday, August 7th, 2011
RAGE! And stolen ice cream.
Was about to start coloring this when the rest of me is all “oh hi, it’s 1am, can we go sleepy-bye now?”
So, I’ll leave Painter open and hopefully remember to get to this tomorrow.
Related serious-but-also-stupid question:
Do you guys like these WIP posts? I’ve been noticing as of late that they tend to get WAY more comment attention than finished pieces. Are these WIPs kinda spoiler-y for the final graphical punchline, or do you like seeing how the sausa– …ramen’s made? Or am I just reading too far into things and people are just so busy that they can’t be arsed to say anything? :P
Really, I’m not trying to be an attention-seeker, I’m just curious in light of recent commenting trends for Instant Ramen posts.
(WIP) Ice Cream Thief
Friday, August 5th, 2011
During the boat ride to Comodo, Deeum is about to nom on the ice cream and the rest of the lunch that she brought with her…
…when BOING! A Poring appears out of the blue and makes off with the two stacked scoops.
Poor Deeum. Can’t a dragon eat her munchies in peace? Sheesh. :(