Posts Tagged ‘dinah’

Power Down

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

SO on Tuesday, SoCal Edison is going to shut off the power here pretty much all day for maintenance. Booooo! Mother has decided that this means I get booted from the house for the day and told me to pick someplace to hide, preferably somewhere that has air conditioning and is in reasonable walking distance of food. (Mother’s trying to find a bar that she can dump Evil Stepfather at… XDDD This needs to not make me imagine a Simpsonized Evil Stepfather yukking it up at Moe’s. )

Fontana library is my first choice, because for the longest time I’ve been meaning to haul Dinah and camp the general nonfiction section to dig up all the weirdest stuff I can find for the day. (When you work in Circulations, you find books on the most oddball subjects. And I do mean REALLY oddball.) That and it has free wireless that DOESN’T block YouTube and such. While power outage means no Slingbox access– dammit, this is one of those times in which I wish I had Verizon MobileTV — there is, of course, YouTube and Hulu/, and I’m going to cram as much of my Simpsons torrents as Dinah’s hard drive will allow. >_>;

That reminds me, I need to steal back my bluetooth headphones from Robert. @_@

Also hi today is mother’s birthday and… I think the 3rd anniversary of me getting my A+ certification? (I intentionally took the exam on mother’s birthday because I could never remember if it was the 27th or 28th.)

Her loot (which is part of my most recent ThinkGeek order) won’t get here until next week… but, uhm… I’ll figure out something? Probably having to do with food, since lately I seem to be picking up on that end. Dammit, I wish I had use of the Yoshi Car right now.

Wallpapers or GTFO

Friday, June 12th, 2009

01. Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper at their LiveJournal.
02. Explain in five sentences why you’re using that wallpaper!
03. Don’t change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on!

AP Main Exclusive: Just view the LJ post, Blastoise’s double monitor screencap breaks the layout @_@

Sodas and ninjas

Thursday, February 26th, 2009

I have Dinah back. And ohgod I’m so glad I renewed her warranty… she got sent to HP and they ended up replacing her entire lid, and on the invoice it said that without the warranty I would have had to pay almost $800. @_@ But now she has a new lid and everything that comes with it (for some reason I notice it more in the screws, they’re black rather than silver), and even her keyboard area got cleaned up. :D

And not that I thought it would come to it, but all her data’s still there. The Geek Squad clerk that brought out Dinah was squeeing over my Chiyo-kitty wallpaper and she wanted to know if she could loot it to her flash drive. XD;

So now I’m here, Dinah’s plugged back in and patching stuff (Windows Update, CoH, etc.) and I have tasty Jack in the Box. Omnomnom. Rineas’ status card is sketched, just need to ink and color that fool.

And yes it really did take me 2 hours to finish writing this post. I blame big yellow furballs constantly batting at stuff on my desk. :P


Saturday, February 14th, 2009

Um… hi. What started with taking Dinah into the shop to have her “lol red snow” display looked at turned into mother suddenly being stricken by “new machine fever” and next thing I know, we’re hopping freeways to get to Fry’s in Industry.

Yes, she has two machines, one of which she hardly touches because it is not within immediate earshot of puppies. Yes, she COULD just move that less-used machine over into the den, so she can bum around on the internets near said puppies. But… nope, she wanted a new one, with a quad-core processor (AMD thankfully, because I hate installing Intel, their CPU fans irritate the crap out of me) and a Blu-Ray burner. (Never mind that blank media for that is still expensive as hell right now. MUST HAVE ANYWAY.)

All new parts, and pretty powerful ones too, so this was not going to be a cheap machine… but mother’d just gotten her TSP payout from the Post Office and gosh darnit, she was gonna splurge on parts even if the world ended tomorrow. Yay. No, seriously, she was all “This is probably the last machine I’ll ever own, so I want a really good one!” like she’s gonna die in a month or something. Oi… I TOTALLY reserve the right to laugh at mother if she comes to me in, what, 4 years and tells me she wants to rebuild one of her other machines with the latest and greatest. Ya rly.

Also WTF mother why did you have to pick the $400 blu-Ray drive when you could have gotten an equivalent drive for $250? (One of them is LG, the other is Sony. Guess which one is the Sony drive. >_>) I know there is brand loyalty, but geeze…

Oh, the best part is when we hit the checkout. Apparently, mother forgot that her debit card has a spending cap of $1000, even if used as a credit card emulator. To save her the embarassment of having to put back half the parts so we can come back tomorrow for the rest I ended up eating half of the total cost (I probably shouldn’t have, she really needs to stop jumping on shinies without THINKING, but at this point I was really tired and just wanted this done, not to mention she immediately put back that $1000 and as soon as the transfer console resets I’ll get the $800 I’m owed for 4 months worth of back-contributions for pet insurance). If this were an episode of Countdown this would instantly get mother tapped for WORST PERSON IN THE WOOOOOORLD.


So, um… now I am home, and as soon as mother finishes feeding Evil Stepfather and the Pups of the Apocalypse and clears a spot, I’ll be assembling this monster. I’ll post specs if anyone cares, but it’s basically the same mobo as Synergy 2 with Blastoise’s video card (and, you know, a Blu-Ray drive).

Sometimes I wonder if my mother is, you know, the puppies-and-PCs version of the octuplets’ mother. As in, replace compulsion to have more babies with compulsion to buy more puppies/build new machines for the sake of doing those things. Hm…

Once again… stuff and things

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

O hi, Christmas commercials already? Well, I’m not complaining. :P
Speaking of which, I should probably pick a Snowscheme or go to a simple environmental engaging place and do some lake topography art… I’m leaning towards “Numair’s Cookie House” since while I was sorting books, there were a couple about Christmas decorations and… Christmas baking. >_> And here I thought it was dangerous for me to sort Children’s because I would get distracted by old stuff I read as a kid.

Also… little Snowflake (puppy #4 for those who are keeping track) had surgery today to correct Cherry Eye and also to get spayed. Except for some reason the office decided to close an hour earlier than they’re supposed to. Helloooooooo Raging Drama Queen mode. -.- I don’t get why I’m being yelled at because the vet office staff decided to shove off earlier (and they called me, like, 10 minutes before I got off volunteer service). But I was able to defuse most of it by buying dinner. >_>;;;
Need to pick up the puppy tomorrow morning…


…oh, right, Fontana DMV tomorrow. If either I screw up, or I get slapped by a technicality… I’m pretty much screwed until January, due to how much the appontment server is made of FAIL and gets clogged all too easily. And I’ll most likely have to drop volunteer service, since I’m what’s keeping mother from finding work, it seems…
No pressure, right? >_>;

I just kinda feel… I dunno, a bit of resignation, that despite best efforts something can and WILL go wrong tomorrow. This whole process has been debilitating on my self-confidence as a whole (moreso from being slapped with technicalities as opposed to screw-ups on my part). It’s not that I don’t want to get my license– seriously, I really need this because with Bren gone until, what, June and my mother being a Raging Drama Queen about anything relating to siblings and having practically no RL friends that I could reliably poke, it’d be a drastic understatement to say that any prospects of doing anything even remotely fun is NIL. And being stuck here with Evil Stepfather and the Four Wiggly Puppies of the Apocalypse will nuke ANYONE’s sanity. No. DO NOT WANT. Must get out, even if it’s just during the day. ARGH.

I still need to take my laptop in to have her monitor lid checked out… red snow and distorted colors at most angles is creepy. If this is indeed the strike 3 that triggers an exchange under the service plan, that effectively translates to a free upgrade… but if not, well, I’ll just use the opportunity to trade in for Dinah 2.0* and request as much reimbursement as I can get as my Christmas loot.