Posts Tagged ‘yggdrasil’

Old Men Finsh Dead Last

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

Yggdrasil is done… well… in that he’s physically ASSEMBLED. I’ve yet to plug him in and find out if he’ll boot or if I just made a bearded Prinny. (I DARE someone to hack the startup prompts to add in Prinnyspeak. “OS not found, dood!” “Abort, retry, fail, dood?” “Press any key to boot from CD/DVD, dood!”) I hope I didn’t botch the case wiring, though I actually don’t do it that often but it still freaks me out. x_x Also ow my thumbs.

I could boot him now but if it turns out I did it right, I’ll be up all night patching him. Which is… no. Already dozing off here, Iggy can wait until tomorrow morning.

Here’s a cute touch for Windows 7: taskbar buttons have their own auras. For instance, Firefox is orange, Semagic is purple, Slingbox is red, etc.
I’m not sure what exactly determines the aura colors. Aeth thinks it’s the dominant coloration in the icon.
That said, whoever designed 7’s login screens needs a boot to the face. People hated on XP’s taskbar looking like Fischer-Price? Dude, 7’s login screens are WAY WORSE. I liked the ones from Vista much better. T____T

And Old Men Go Last

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

They sent me an email telling me my capture of the Skeith fight in .hack//INFECTION is apparently popular enough to qualify to apply for revenue sharing (read: lol ads). Yeah right, like I would stick ads on THOSE… :P I like coins but I’d rather get them by doing Gourmet Ramen.

(which I am always available for, no matter how big my queue is. Gourmet Ramen commissions ALWAYS trump everything, you go to the front of the line! $20 gets you a bowl of tasty Yoshi arts… but if you really want to chow, there’s always the 3-for-$50 deal! Okay, I’m done shilling now >_>;;;)

Anywho, Windows 7 deployment’s chugging along here. So far, Blastoise and Dinah have made the jump on my end and are more or less done as far as getting their programs and drivers back up. Mother slapped Pro on Onyx earlier… oddly enough, Onyx could not go 64-bit (even though I was pretty sure that everyone I’d built after Blastoise had 64-bit-capable motherboards). Oh well. I had gone downstairs for food and ended up napping on the couch while I was on standby during Onyx’s jump, ahahahaha.

I’ma start unpacking Yggdrasil’s parts during commercials on Countdown. Speaking of which… *activate Slingbox!*

Parts and Labor VIII

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Finally, my copies of Windows 7 get here. ABOUT DAMN TIME.

Tiger (Evil Stepfather’s laptop) will not be making the jump since he gets so little use, so Dinah will be taking the extra copy.

Blastoise is going first as soon as he finishes copying stuff over to his secondary drive and a couple more installers onto my New Machine Cocktail Bullet Bill. I do not foresee any issues here. If anything, the most time-consuming part will be reinstalling WoW and CoH. XD Blastoise will be munching on 7 Pro.

Yggdrasil gets built as soon as I confirm that Blastoise won’t explode (…this makes him look like a Prinny)– DAMMIT MSNBC STOP SHOWING FOOTAGE OF TOM DELAY DANCING T__________T– or other such garbage. I’ve heard mixed reports of doing a clean install on a virgin drive using upgrade media. Worst case, I could just toss Dinah’s copy of Vista Ultimate on him and install 7 over that, and Microsoft can do the STFU dance. Yggdrasil will be eating 7 Home Premium. Depending on how he turns out, he may jump to Pro in January, but Home Premium should do for now.

Dinah will make the jump last. Among the six machines jumping today, she is the only one who will not be going 64-bit– her mobo says she can, but she lacks the RAM to really benefit from it (and she’s at her hard limit of 2GB, and can’t even use all of it because she has to share part of it with the ATI chip). It just seems less stressful for her to stay at 32-bit. Put another way, it lets her remain a nimble ninja laptop. :P Dinah will also be eating 7 Home Premium.


Parts and Labor VII

Monday, October 26th, 2009

My Windows 7 boxes are in San Bernardino, gasp. Maybe I can build my Robo-Fusoya today? :D?? (Also if you’re building a new machine but are using the Upgrade media like… oh, 90% 0f us who aren’t on MSDN or whatever the hell that thing is called, you might want to read this if you’re having activation issues.)

Since Yggdrasil is taking over as the LAN’s media server… I’ve considered giving him Blastoise’s Gigabit line and sticking Blastoise on wireless. (Yggdrasil will also be inheriting the TeamSpeak server since he’ll be always-on) At LEAST until I can find some way to add more Gigabit slots to my LAN. Supposedly I could just get any old Gigabit switch and piggyback that onto my router and it’d work? The other upside to adding more slots would be that I could stick my Slingbox and PS3 on it, too…

Really looking forward to tinkering with Windows Media Center, though– ‘sup, Netflix support (especially now that ALL of the Law and Order SVU season boxes got added to instant viewing, AWESOME) and CBS’s library via Internet TV streaming (wonder if this includes Craig Ferguson? Don’t see why it wouldn’t). This on top of Hulu/, MSNBC, YouTube XL… oh, and my ridiculous stash of torrents, all on a badass HDTV. Bwahahahaha. I was gonna just stick Blastoise’s secondary drive inside Yggdrasil but I’ll just do a straight copy; redundancy is always a good thing when it comes to this stuff.

I still need to cook up a wallpaper to put on the old man box, though. Considered styling it somewhat after the output from Samus’ visor in Metroid Prime. Bonus points if it turns out Stardock’s DreamScapes works on Windows 7, then I could REALLY pull something awesome along these lines… >:D

Parts and Labor VI

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

Wow, when things go wrong, things go REALLY wrong.

See: Best Buy in this case. They just now shipped my Windows 7 loot (with a bump to expedited shipping which I’m assuming is USPS Express On Crack). I’m a little miffed because I wanted to have Yggdrasil built and running yesterday as I’d plotted… but borrowing Joe “YOU LIE!” Wilson to make the above macro, and also watching the epic nerdrage fallout on the Best Buy forums is HIGHLY amusing and makes up for the annoyance. This is, like, epic ball-dropping, people! XD

In other news, I’ve still Pundit Games Ep. 5 and Haruko’s FE Bromide in the Ramen queue… I know for sure November’s going to involve doing the base stills for the AP podcast and while I would ordinarily begin doing Snowschemes as well (because I hate Thanksgiving), I could, uh… probably stand to pad the Magic Coin Block a little bit via Gourmet Ramen so I can better spoil reward my Across minions for their continued loyalty in December. >_>;;;