Posts Tagged ‘ragnarok twilight’

(WIP) Forget card fodder… BEER fodder.

Saturday, February 21st, 2009

That’s right. Aries will slug you and take your booze.

Panty-thieving ninja Duxx is next. Beware the green.

(WIP) Still more card fodder

Friday, February 20th, 2009

Argh I could only do one tonight…

And, hell, I didn’t even draw the right one. I meant to do the FE card first (mmmm, Sneaking Suit) but after realizing I’d sketched the fuzzies on the sniper collar, figured I’d just go ahead and do Numair’s v1 form first. Probably more useful to Aeth that way, too!

Sneaking Suit is still yummier. It’s, like… I don’t even see it as “Numair cosplaying Snake” anymore (it’s as much that as the Maximillian is “Hikaru cosplaying Balmung” despite, you know, gender differences), even though it’s based off the Sneaking Suit used in Twin Snakes. Maybe it’s the color scheme? True, with the Sneaking Suit you kinda forget he’s an elf, somehow… okay, I should stop this side-thought else I’ll be here all night.

I have the FE card sketched, and while there’s no way I’ll be able to finish it tonight, I’ll at least ink as much as possible and paint it tomorrow. Er, today. YOU GET THE IDEA.

Oh, and Aries and Denlan are next in the queue. Yeah, that’s right.

(WIP) More Card Fodder

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Yes. MORE.

And mister cookie freak is next. Would have been first but this time I actually have some kind of willpower. Imagine that.
(Mmmmm, Sneaking Suit… :9 Oh yes.)

(WIP) Card Fodder

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

Yeah, they’re colored but they’re all part of a set so I’m slapping WIP on these anyway. Also so Aeth doesn’t have to wait for my lazy bum to wake up so he can loot.

I can churn these out quickly (provided, you know, I’m not interrupted by, oh, mother yanking me to stand by so she can put puppies away so I can hammer her box, only to change her mind after waiting for a couple hours, or other trivial crap). I’m so used to going huge on Ramen though… hm.

Yay reimbursement check from VPI, and for over $300… which, according to mother, is deducted from the $800 she still owes me. Um… sure. It gets deposited tomorrow anyway.

And, uh, apparently I am to be paid for all the roflcoptery involving Synergy? o.O Yay? I thought going in this was “whatever I front isn’t coming back.”
Of course, I have to hope that mother and the ogre will leave for at least a few hours sometime this week. Pretty please? I’d like to give Synergy back to House Cantlay sometime this century. The presence of a box of spare parts can be easily explained away, but Synergy herself is pretty much the equivalent of a 600-pound gorrilla in my room and while mother is strangely good about not opening my room’s door when it’s closed, sometimes I have to leave it open a crack in case Daisy decides to play/nap in my closet. >_>;;;

(Instant Ramen Sketchbook) Snowscheme 2008 Part 2: “Numair’s Cookie Splatterhouse”

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

click for fullview
Someone forgot to tell Numair that this was, you know, supposed to be a nice, innocent little cookie house. You know, with gumdrops and snowmen and pretty little christmas trees made of cotton candy…

But, nooooo, he had to go and set one of the trees on fire, smash a hole in the roof, decapitate one of the snowmen and rip off the other’s arms, and splatter “blood” on the outer walls oh, and ROAST DENLAN OVER THE CHIMNEY.

….hm, do fondant figures count as effigies? Since that’s pretty much what that charred Denlan fondant figure is.

One more week until Christmas. Let’s hope I can put out a bunch of smaller Snowscheme pics before then. >_>;;;