So… YAY VERIZON. At long last, they are getting the iPhone.
And I am totally getting one. Mother, too. (Evil Stepfather is a maybe… truthfully, with his crappy eyesight, an iPhone may be easier for him to handle than his tiny, clunky feature phone.)
Preordering on the 3rd, and I think mother wants to do a pickup rather than have ’em shipped like our previous phones were. (I think last time, she and Evil Stepfather had issues activating theirs.) It looks like I may qualify for a discount under New Every Two, but I’m prepared to pay for mine… and I get to pay up front for a year’s worth of data, anyway.
HARDCORE bonus points if there is a White iPhone option available. Gotta match with ninja laptop Dinah and all…
The only sucky part is that I may lose my Angry Birds save files… unless I do a transfer from my iPod and hop the transferred version over to the iPhone. HM. Guess I’ll find out when that happens. :P
Tags: loot, verizon iphone