(No more “Parts and Labor” for you!)
Hi. Blastoise likes Windows 7. He loves it ALL NIGHT LONG.
Only driver I had to loot manually was for the sound card. Though, tablet and video card got their specialized drivers as soon as possible. ^_^
About 45 minutes from reboot to desktop– a little more than my initial estimate of 30 minutes, but still better than, oh, the 2+ hours from waaaaay back when I’d shove XP on things. If anything, the most single time-consuming installation is, of course, WoW. And to think I’m doing this AGAIN when I set up Yggdrasil, ahahahaha. XD
Unfortunately, I’ll have to put off building Yggdrasil until tomorrow. I forget that a new machine config (even if it’s basically an OS reinstall) gets me a bit frazzled… and I’m already wiped out for the day. I wish I could shower but– *degrades into a rant comparing that to glops of paint and not wanting to clog up her shower again* >:(